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The negress hesitated, and looked at Laura. "Ah Ah hain't asked, Missy Farley." "Then do it," said the voice determinedly. Laura advanced to the rescue. "I'll answer her," she said. Putting her head out of the door, she cried: "What is it, Mrs. Farley?" The irate landlady's voice underwent a quick change. In a softened voice, she called up: "Did ye have any luck this morning, dearie?"

Farley had done nothing more revolutionary than to reëlect himself president of Chiawassee Consolidated, and to resume, with Dyckman as his lieutenant, the direction of its affairs, these prophets of evil were discredited.

Was her sorrow part of the wages of her disobedient haste? What had become of her purse? How could she without exciting suspicion obtain the money she had so positively promised? She rang the bell, and sent Hattie to request Farley to examine the carriage, and see if she had not dropped her porte-monnaie into some of its crevices.

"Is it any part of our business to bother with the fellow?" demanded Farley half savagely. Now Farley was rather hot-tempered, though he was "all there" in points that involved the honor of the brigade of midshipmen. Five midshipmen stood in the squalid, ill-odored back room of a Chinese laundry in the town of Annapolis.

"Pick that up and keep it for a curio, Farley," directed Dave coolly. In another twinkling Darrin had run the Chinaman up against the wall. Smack! biff! thump! With increasing force Dave's hard fist struck the heathen in the face. "Now stand there and behave yourself," admonished Midshipman Dave, dropping his hold on the yellow man's collar, "or we'll stop playing with you and hurt you some."

I might' nigh b'lieve he had his suspicions, too. He let on like it was Farley that told him on you, years ago, when you was a boy." "He did? Then Farley was one of the three men who saw us up yonder at the barrel-spring?" "Yes; and I was another one of 'em. I was right hot at you that mornin'; I shore was." "Well, who else knows about it?"

As Pen leaped to his feet after the last turn, one of his hands struck Darrin forcefully. Dave swayed, tried to clutch at something, then "O-o-o-oh!" rang the first startled chorus. Then, instantly, on top of it, came the rousing hail: "Man overboard astern!" Farley and Hallam were the first to reach the rail. But Lieutenant Burton was there almost as quickly.

"If you're in such a blue funk over the Navy's chances, you'd better keep off the line-up," muttered Midshipman Dalzell. "Oh, I'm in no funk," returned Darrin, smiling. "However, I'm not going to be betrayed into any bragging until we've wiped the field up with the Army if we can." Rap-tap! came on the door. "I'll wager that's Farley," whispered Darrin. "Come in," called Dave.

"Those extremely youthful officers seem to have a bad case of spoons on you six," remarked Peckham almost sourly. "Show some nearly human intelligence, and maybe you'll get a chance at one of the Saturday cruises, Peckham," called back Farley, as he began to towel down vigorously. Dave and his friends were the first men of the team to be dressed and ready to leave.

His residence was bought by the corporations and converted into the Lowell Hospital. In 1840, the Massachusetts Mills were established; and the South Common, of about twenty acres, and the North Common, of about ten acres, were laid out. During this year appeared the Lowell Offering, a monthly journal, edited by Miss Harriet Farley and Miss Hariot Curtiss, two factory girls.