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As, for instance, after riding she required to rest, a thing before unknown, and she often lay down for an hour before dinner. Then, too, at table once she grew suddenly pale and swayed against Edward Lambert, who was sitting next to her. She would not, however, leave the table, but sat the dinner out, to Frank's apprehension.

He was collarless, and the scarlet and orange handkerchief, knotted about his throat, had got shifted, the ends of it streaming out behind him as he lifted his arm and swayed his whole body madly using his whip. Poppy shut her eyes, sickened by the sound and sight.

From the depths of their breasts they drew forth a hoarse and cavernous intonation; their eyes, which were fastened upon the colossus, shone through the dust, and they swayed their bodies simultaneously, and at equal distances, as though they were all affected by a single movement.

"Yes, I've got a gun," I replied, "and I ought to have had it the other night." "How so?" inquired Dick, quickly. It did not take me long to relate the incident of the Mexican. Dick looked like a thunder-cloud, but Jim swayed and shook with laughter. "You knocked him off the roof? Wal, thet shore is dee-lightful. It shore is!"

All at once the Mother Superior swayed to one side on her chair, as if she were fainting, and she might have fallen if the nun had not darted forward to hold her upright; but at the touch, she straightened herself with an effort and gently pushed the young Sister away from her.

Rubie complied, reading the text and interpreting it in Yiddish precisely as I should have done when I was eleven years old. He even gesticulated and swayed backward and forward as I used to do. To complete the picture, his mother, watching him, beamed as my mother used to do when she watched me reading at the Preacher's Synagogue or at home in our wretched basement. I was deeply affected

Her apartment is at some distance from the other inhabited parts of the house; and consists of a dining-room, bedchamber, and study; she keeps a cook maid, a waiting-woman, and footman, of her own, and seldom eats or converses with any of the family but her niece, who is a very lovely creature, and humours her aunt often to the prejudice of her own health by sitting up with her whole nights together; for your mistress is too much of a philosopher to be swayed by the custom of the world, and never sleeps nor eats like other people.

She swayed, dizzily, raising one hand to her brow, but had recovered herself even as Leroux sprang forward to support her. "All right, Leroux!" cried Cumberly; "I will take her upstairs again. Wait for me, Exel." Exel nodded, lighted his cigar, and sat down in a chair, remote from the writing-table. "Mira my wife!" muttered Leroux, standing, looking after Dr.

Tennelly held that most women were too unbalanced to vote; you never could tell what a woman would do next. She was swayed entirely by her emotions, mainly two love and hate; sometimes pride and selfishness. Always selfishness. Women were all selfish! Courtland thought of the calm, true eyes of Mother Marshall and the telegram that had come the day before. He held that all women were not selfish.

Finally a troop of female dancers had rushed into the room and swayed and balanced themselves to the music of the double-flute and tambourine. Each fresh amusement had been more loudly applauded than the last.

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