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But if one of my sisters'd ever lectured me because I wasn't refined, or shook a finger at me because I wasn't gentlemanly Lady Fani, I'd've strangled her!" There was a certain gleam in the Lady Fani's eye as she said warmly to Hoddan: "Of course I'll take care of the poor thing!

If I'd had the brains of a rabbit I'd've stopped Jasp Swope last Spring then I wouldn't need to be cuttin' brush here all Summer like a Mexican wood-chopper. That's where we fell down lettin' them sheep in and now we've got to sweat for it. But lemme tell you, boy," he cried, raising a mighty fist, "if I can keep jest one cow alive until Fall I'm goin' to meet Mr.

We've sailed together off and on ever since we took to the sea; we've gone through some nasty scrapes together, and done things that don't bear telling, and always shared the thick and the thin of everything. Before this, if anybody had ever told me Whit Monk would do a pal dirt, I'd've punched his head and thought no more about it. But now..." The mutter faltered.

None of you fellows will believe me, but, upon my word, I liked that girl; and I'd've stuck to her at last, only there are some things a fellow can't do. He was such a thundering scoundrel! After a while Sir Felix followed them upstairs, and entered the room as though nothing unpleasant had happened below. 'We can make up a rubber can't we? said he. 'I should say not, said Nidderdale.

"What, not Wheatear, and with all that American corn in my 'ead? Is it likely I'd've missed it?" No one answered, and Ketley drank his whisky in the midst of a most thoughtful silence. At last one of the group said, and he seemed to express the general mind of the company "I don't know if omens be worth a-following of, but I'm blowed if 'orses be worth backing if the omens is again them."

"Yes," replied Chris, "but it took hours and hours. I'm sore all over." "So'm I," said Jerry. "Why didn't you make me wake up?" "We called you and pounded you and turned you over," Chris replied, "but you went back to sleep." "Why didn't you kick me or pull me out of bed?" Danny asked. "Then mebbe I'd've got a ticket, too." "Mebbe you can, anyway," said Celia Jane.

Well, I congratulate you, supe if my girl had asked me I reckon I'd've give up my gun too. But she gimme a kiss, anyway," he added, tossing his head triumphantly. "Who did?" demanded Hardy, coming suddenly out of his dream. "Why, Kitty, sure," returned Creede artlessly; and then, noting the look of incredulity on his partner's face, he slapped him on the leg and laughed consumedly.

"A man is sometimes compelled by circumstances to think whether he can or not. I'd've shut the door for you readily enough the other day. I don't know that I can now. Ain't we going to have some dinner? It's eight o'clock." "I suppose they'll get dinner for you; I'm not going to dine here." The two men were both dressed and after this they remained silent for the next five minutes.

"Lordy, how they must 've hankered arter the fun o' totin' water to 've lugged hit clar from over tha. I'd've moved the house nigher the spring afore I'd've stood thet ere a month, so I would." "The distance to the water ortent to bother a feller thet gets along with usin' ez little ez you do," growled the first speaker.

If it comes to that, I admit it's none of my business " "The deuce it isn't! After all you've done for me! Good Lord, man, where would I be...!" "Sleeping the sleep of the doped in some filthy corner of Dutch House, most likely." "And you saved me from that!" "And got this hole drilled through you instead." "Got me away; I'd've collected the lead anyhow wasn't meaning to stay without a fight."