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Updated: September 8, 2024
Perhaps we can fool them yet!" hissed Maurice, as a brilliant idea flashed through his brain. "Bully for you, my boy! That's the ticket." While he was speaking Thad drew the small package from his inside pocket, where he had been carefully keeping it since leaving the boat, and with one quick nervous movement thrust the same out of sight under the convenient root.
My name doesn't appear even in the Preface. What's that ticket you're looking so lovingly at, Peter?" "That's for to-night the unveiling of Constant's portrait. Gladstone speaks. Awful demand for places." "Gladstone!" sneered Denzil. "Who wants to hear Gladstone? A man who's devoted his life to pulling down the pillars of Church and State."
'It's unfair, repeated in chorus Byelovzorov and the gentleman described as a retired captain, a man of forty, pock-marked to a hideous degree, curly-headed as a negro, round-shouldered, bandy-legged, and dressed in a military coat without epaulets, worn unbuttoned. 'Write him a ticket, I tell you, repeated the young princess. 'What's this mutiny?
Through the streets like mad we whirled, and, reaching the station, I quickly alighted and ran to the ticket office, and from there to the train, which I boarded just as it started away. It was an express, which made no stops before reaching Sing Sing, and was due there at exactly twelve o'clock, the time set for the electrocution.
The reason why every subscriber shall take a receipt or ticket for his quarterage is because this must be the standing law of the office that if any subscribers fail to pay their quarterage, they shall never claim after it until double so much be paid, nor not at all that quarter, whatever befalls them.
Fanny ended yesterday by telling you how fortunate, or rather how kind, people had been in working out three tickets for me, at the last hour, at the last moment; for Lord Lovelace came himself between eleven and twelve at night with a ticket, which he gave me, at Lady Byron's request.
Harewood 'Don't be absurd; she wishes it with all her heart. She won't want a ticket if Mr. Harewood smuggles her in, but I can get as many as you want. How many Wilmet, Cherry, Robin, Angel, and Miss Knevett. She'll come, won't she? 'We were thinking of going to ask her. 'I'll do it; I've brought my own ticket for a friend for her; here it is, with L. O. U. in the corner.
One passenger alighted, gave up his ticket, and crossed the room in front of Manston: a young man with a black bag and umbrella in his hand. He passed out of the door, down the steps, and struck out into the darkness. 'Who was that young man? said Manston, when the porter had returned. The young man, by a kind of magnetism, had drawn the steward's thoughts after him. 'He's an architect.
"Let's give a show and have our pets for the show animals." The children thought this was a fine plan. Miss West thought so too. She let them plan for the show. Then she let them make tickets. Each child made two tickets. They were like the funny picture in the middle of this page. Everyone who came had to pay for a ticket. Even the children who had pets in the show had to pay.
It is necessary, at a time like this, that my mind should not be burdened with small business details. A few months ago I was nominated for Governor of the great state of New York, to run against Mr. John T. Smith and Mr. Blank J. Blank on an independent ticket. I somehow felt that I had one prominent advantage over these gentlemen, and that was good character.
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