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Haney said drily: "Sally, if Joe hadn't kissed you for thinking that up, I would. Makes me feel mighty dumb." Mike swallowed. Then he said loyally, "Yeah. Me too. I'd've made a two-ton cargo possible maybe. But this adds up. What does the major say?" "I haven't talked to him. I'd better, right away." Joe grinned. "I wanted to tell you first." The Chief grunted. "Good idea. But hold everything!"

If I'd let it go a block farther I'd've been sorry f'r it th' rest iv me life an' some years afther me death. "I wanted to be famous in thim days, whin I was young an' foolish.

But somehow, when it's done, I hain't said a mite what I want to, an' I hain't said it the way I want to, either. I think maybe havin' so many of 'em disinclined by them editors has made me kinder fearsome." "I'm afraid it has, Susan," he smiled. "Now, this afternoon, what I was thinkin' about once I'd've made a poem of that easy; but to-day I didn't even try. I KNEW I couldn't do it.

"Baby Three. Second Officer Jones and four passengers. Deconned to " "Thank God, Herc!" Formality vanished. "With you to astrogate us, we may have a chance. But how'd you make it? I'd've sworn a flying saucer couldn't've got down from the Top in the time we had." "Same thing right back at you, Babe. I didn't have to come down. We were in Baby Three when it happened."

Or else," she amended, "I'd've got him; which would have been almost as unpleasant what with being pinched and tried and having juries disagree and getting off at last only on the plea of insanity and all that." "Madam," said P. Sybarite, rising, "the more I see of you, the more you claim my admiration. I entreat you, permit me to go away before my emotion deepens into disastrous infatuation."

Is that the way you talk to a man who has done his best to be your friend?" "I never said we was going to sheep you out," retorted the sheepman sullenly. "And if I'd 'a' thought for a minute you would take on like this about it I'd've let you go bust for your postage stamps." "I know you didn't say it," said Hardy, "but you hinted it good and strong, all right.

He niver knowed what hit him; an' Pether th' Packer come down th' followin' month, an' a jury iv shopkeepers hanged Shaughnessy so fast it med even th' judge smile." "Well," said Mr. Hennessy, "I suppose he desarved it; but, if I'd been on th' jury, I'd've starved to death before I'd give th' verdict." "Thrue," said Mr. Dooley. "An' Dorsey was a fool.

"O, God!" she said in low, thrilling tones, "Thou's aforetimes gi'n me much ter be thankful fur, as well ez much ter dumbly ba'r when Thy rod smote me fur reasons thet I couldn't understand. Thou knows how gladly I'd've gi'n not on'y my pore, nigh-spent life, but also those o' my kinsmen, which I prize much higher, fur sech a vict'ry ez this over the inimies of Thee an' Thy people.

"I almost did refuse, almost decided to go into the Navy instead of taking Linda's offer. I'm glad I didn't. I'd've had more security, but a lot less challenge." "Or danger?" Hovan was smiling. "Or danger," Tarlac agreed. Hovan's translation of that got a discussion going. The Ranger remained silent, listening to the commandos and enjoying the musical sounds of their speech.

He'd been beaming a moment before, with his arms full of silver plate, jewelry, laces, and other bits of booty from the town of Ensfield. But now he said desperately: "Yes, Lady Fani. But not the way I'd've treated my sister. My sisters, Lady Fani, bit me when they were little, slapped me when they were bigger, and scorned me when I grew up. I'm fond of 'em!