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Updated: January 15, 2025

Brown, for having joined the party and taken the oath at the wedding?" "What av I did?" "But did you?" "Maybe I did maybe I didn't; I disremember thim little things." The cross-examination continued for a considerable time; but nothing further that was material could be drawn from Brady. He seemed even more unwilling to answer Mr. O'Malley, than he had been in replying to Mr.

A month or two after, I perceived by the stock-list that Catamount had taken a bound; before afternoon "thim stock" were worth a quite considerable pot of money; and I learned, upon inquiry, that a bonanza had been found in a condemned lead, and the mine was now expected to do wonders.

"But, Miss, beggin' yer pardon, the car think av the upholsterin' an' the dirt av thim little divils beggin' yer pardon, but 'tis ruined the car will be an' yer gowns! Please, Miss, I'll give them a dollar an' 'twill do just as well think av the car!" "Never mind the car, Tom, do as I say, please."

"But I can't make thim out. I've no larnin'." "I can read them," said Dick. "So c'n I," murmured Emmeline. "S-H-E-N-A-N-D-O-A-H," spelt Dick. "What's that?" enquired Paddy. "I don't know," replied Dick, rather downcastedly. "There you are!" cried the oarsman in a disgusted manner, pulling the boat round to the starboard side of the brig.

I did not understand, so he explained, with a comic leer at the others, "Sure, haven't I always the 'lone hand' on thim?"

"What you say reminds me of the Irish pilot who told the captain of a ship he was taking to an anchorage, that he knew every rock on the coast. The captain doubted him, and five minutes afterwards the ship went crash upon one. `Bedad! I tould your honour I knew thim, an' that's one of thim.

"I have gr-reat respect f'r th' joodicyary, as fine a lot iv cross an' indignant men as ye'll find annywhere. I have th' same respect f'r thim as they have f'r each other. But I niver bow to a decision iv a judge onless, first, it's pleasant to me, an', second, other judges bow to it. Ye can't be too careful about what decisions ye bow to.

Then, on Friday, jest as I was shootin' at an 'ole 'are what I see, up kime an orficer, one o' thim Staff gints. 'Who are you? 'e asks. I told 'im as I was a servant, and was jest tryin' ter git an 'are fer my bloke beggin' yer pardon, sir, I mean my orficer. Then, after a lot more talk, 'e says, 'Do yer know that yer gone and nearly 'it the Gen'ril? That's all as I knows abaht it, sir.

"Whin we plant what Hogan calls th' starry banner iv Freedom in th' Ph'lippeens," said Mr. Dooley, "an' give th' sacred blessin' iv liberty to the poor, down-trodden people iv thim unfortunate isles, dam thim! we'll larn thim a lesson." "Sure," said Mr. Hennessy, sadly, "we have a thing or two to larn oursilves." "But it isn't f'r thim to larn us," said Mr. Dooley.

If ye cud tache thim to cook an' take care iv childher they'd be th' best servants, says I. 'An' what d'ye call thim"? says he. 'I f'rget, says I. An' he wint away mad." "Sure an' he's a nice man to be talkin' iv servants," said Mr. Hennessy. "He was a gintleman's man in th' ol' counthry an' I used to know his wife whin she wurruked f'r " "S-sh," said Mr. Dooley. "They're beyond that now.

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