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Updated: August 12, 2024

He don't appear at all put out by new faces or new grounds he's took to the place quite nat'ral." "You saw Spruce early, then?" "Yes, sir, I see Spruce, and arter 'ollerin' 'ard at 'im for 'bout ten minutes, he sez, sez he, as gentle as a child sez he: 'Yes, the Five Sisters is a-comin' down to-morrow mornin', and we's all to be there a quarter afore six with ropes and axes."

It was very awkward for Peter, and more awkward still when the barman came up and told 'im to take Bill outside. "Go on," he ses, "out with 'im." "He's all right," ses Peter, trembling; "we's the truest-'arted gentleman in London. Ain't you, Bill?" Bill said he was, and 'e asked the barman to go and hide 'is face because it reminded 'im of a little dog 'e had 'ad once wot 'ad died.

As the others went into the house, Ruth ran around to the kitchen to see Aunt Chloe, and so surprised that old woman that she just threw her floury arms about the girl's neck and kissed her, saying, "Tank de Lo'd, honey! Tank de good Lo'd you's come home ag'in! We's all miss yo' like de sunshine, but nobody hain't miss yo' like ole Clo done." Mr.

"I see it my own self," added Chloe, whose small orbs were almost buried beneath overhanging cliffs of brow and uprising mountains of cheek, "and I'll tell you what I tinks: I tinks just den and dere, dat if we's meet de ole one hisself he wouldn't hab no eyes, cause Misses Rusha Rush jes done gone an' stole 'em." This dark reference caused a closer grouping of the sable dames and damsels.

Yes, I hope dey is all done dead. Wish I knowed dey was, den I'd be feelin' good. You see, me an' Ham talked dis all ober. We neber see our chilien no mo' no matter whar we is; so we am gwine where we will be counted wid de people an' not wid de cattle. Yes, sah; dat's what we's got in our heads; dar's no use tryin' to put it out; it in dar, an' dar it stay. We's gwine, sho'.

Arrived at the breakfast-table, they eyed with withering contempt an irreproachable cutlet, some crisp-brown potatoes of wafer-like thinness, and a heap of rolls almost as light as snowflakes. "We don't want done of this kind of breakfast," said Budge. "Of course we don't," said Toddie, "when we's so awful full of uvver fings.

We turned from this scene, and took a stroll to another residence, where we found the former slaves of the owner the sole occupants. They had a hearty laugh when I asked if the "smoke-house key was frowed in de well?" "Yes, yes, missus," they answered; "we's got de managin'." We walked up to our old boarding-place, and took supper with our dear friends.

Ah nebber tried it, fer Massa Donaldson hed no bus'ness ober in dis kintry, but Ah's heerd 'em talk down ter Saint Louee. Trouble is, sah, we's got started in de wrong place dar's plenty watah t'other side dis yere bar." "Who told you the best way to find Shrunk?" His eyes widened and searched my face, evidently still somewhat suspicious of any white man. "A nigger down Saint Louee way, sah.

"I tell you people," he said to his congregation, "we's goin' to have a reg'lar 'Benjamin's mess'!" The coloured folk, being not quite sure of the quotation, laughed heartily, exclaiming in admiration of their pastor, "Dat Todbu'y is sholy one mess hisse'f."

Golly, but we's arrived at the new land! Look out, everybody!" THEY all ran to the port holes, which were openings in the side of the ship. They were fitted with thick, double glass, and covered on the outside with steel shutters. These shutters were worked by a single lever from the engine room, so that one person could open or close them in a second or two.

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