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Updated: August 12, 2024

And then while the mysterious coughing rose stronger and stronger and the threatening glare reached farther and wider, the negro's voice lifted up its supplications: "O Lord', we's ben mighty wicked, an' we knows dat we 'zerve to go to de bad place, but good Lord, deah Lord, we ain't ready yit, we ain't ready let dese po' chilen hab one mo' chance, jes' one mo' chance.

You 'members Ted, de colored boy on de 'Hatty. We's kep' company, off an' on, a year, sometimes quarrelin', and den makin' up. I can't leave Ted." Her soul was in her eyes, as she begged for herself and Ted, and the Colonel hastened to say, "You did not let me finish. I couldn't buy you, if I would, and if I did I'd set you free. I will see that this is done some time."

"O Lor! he'd do for a tobaccer-shop; they could keep him to scent snuff! Lor, he'd keep a whole shope agwine, he would!" "I say, keep off, can't you?" said Adolph, enraged. "Lor, now, how touchy we is, we white niggers! Look at us now!" and Sambo gave a ludicrous imitation of Adolph's manner; "here's de airs and graces. We's been in a good family, I specs."

H'it dat-a-way, Mars' George, suh, h'it jess natch'ly dat-a-way in dishyere world day, night, mo' day. What de Bible say? Life, def, mo' life, suh. When we's daid we'll sho' find it dat-a-way." Cato at my bedside with basin, towel, and razor, a tub of water on the floor, and the sun shining on my chamber wall. These, and a stale taste on my tongue, greeted me as I awoke.

I knowed whar all our men war; how your army war 'ranged, and when we went in shoutin', and all your right and left melted away like a fog as comes up from the gulf melts when the sun comes up in ther mornin', I sed to Ned Sykes, who wur next me in ther ranks, 'Ned, we's got 'em, and Ned answered back, 'we's got 'em, sho'.

Puttock and he were not congenial spirits. "We are sending a deputation to you," said Mrs. Puttock, directly Medland's change of position gave her an opportunity. He emptied his glass of champagne, and asked, "Which of your many 'We's, Mrs. Puttock?" "Why, the W.T.A.A." "I won't affect ignorance Women's Total Abstinence Association." "The enthusiasm this afternoon was enormous. Of course Mr.

Simmy wriggled uncomfortably, and Drew continued the grilling. "You are Union scouts?" "Shore! Shore! We's Union, ain't we, Jas'?" he appealed eagerly to his fellow. Jas' neither answered nor allowed his gaze to wander from Drew. "Then you'll get the usual treatment of a prisoner." Drew was short, trying to listen for any movement beyond the squalid room.

One morning Peter announced to Foster that he was going into town to make purchases, and he wanted his assistance to carry the basket. "Are we going to make another search for poor Mr Sommers?" asked the middy, as he walked along the road holding one handle of the empty basket. "No, we's got no time for dat to-day. I mus' be back early. Got time on'y for one call on a friend ob mine. Das all."

I can't talk just so right," said Tillie apologetically, "like what you can. Yes, sometimes I say my we's like my w's, yet!" Miss Margaret laughed. "Bless your little heart!" she said, running her fingers through Tillie's hair. "But you would rather stay in school until four, wouldn't you, than go home to help your father in the celery-beds?"

"Then aw said to eawr Margit, while we're upo' the floor, 'We's never be lower i' this world, aw'm sure; Iv ever things awtern they're likely to mend, For aw think i' my heart that we're both at th' fur end; For meight we ban noan, Nor no looms to weighve on, An' egad, they're as good lost as fund."

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