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Updated: August 12, 2024

"Yes, I think I've heard something of the kind before," mumbled Mr. Burton, with difficulty, between the fingers which covered his aching incisor. "Oh h," exclaimed Toddie, "I b'lieve he' goin' to play bear! Come on, Budge, we's got to be dogs." And Toddie buried his face in the bed-covering and succeeded in fastening his teeth in his uncle's calf.

Moreover, a school-house had been built by the people themselves, and the school term had been extended from three to six months; and, with a look of triumph, he exclaimed, "We's done libin' in de ashes."

She was tore up a good deal one en' of her was; but dey warn't no great harm done, on'y our traps was mos' all los'. Ef we hadn' dive' so deep en swum so fur under water, en de night hadn' ben so dark, en we warn't so sk'yerd, en ben sich punkin-heads, as de sayin' is, we'd a seed de raf'. But it's jis' as well we didn't, 'kase now she's all fixed up agin mos' as good as new, en we's got a new lot o' stuff, in de place o' what 'uz los'."

"It happens this evenin'," he began, spouting water, "that I seen Elsie, who's been sneakin' me meals to the old stables, an' she says to me: 'Dutch, she says, 'they's all ag'in us here, callin' us Huns, an' we gotta show 'em we's good Americans, she says. An' she tole me a feller been to see 'er 'at wanted 'er to rob the house fer 'im, he thinkin' 'er likely to do ut fer love o' the Kaiser.

Better let 'er alone; she bites when she's in 'er tantrums. 'We's friends o' hern, said Sinfi, whose appearance and decisive voice seemed to reassure the girl. 'Oh, if you're friends that's different, said she. 'Meg's gone off 'er 'ead; thinks the p'leace in plain clothes are after 'er. We went up the stairs. The girl followed us.

Early in de mawnin' some er de niggers come along, gwyne to de fields, en dey tuk me en showed me dis place, whah de dogs can't track me on accounts o' de water, en dey brings me truck to eat every night, en tells me how you's a-gitt'n along." "Why didn't you tell my Jack to fetch me here sooner, Jim?" "Well, 'twarn't no use to 'sturb you, Huck, tell we could do sumfn but we's all right now.

At this juncture, Dorley himself came out of the house. "Tom," said Jo, "that dog o' thine 'as killed twenty of Widder Gelt's sheep, last night. An' ah fur one don't believe as its 'is first killin'." "Why, mon, thou art crazy," said Tom. "Ah never 'ad a better sheep-dog 'e fair loves the sheep." "Aye! We's seen summat o' that in las' night's work," replied Jo.

"'Never dat's robbery, he's say, an' he's begin to cry like ver' li'll baby. "'Pull him hup, Marie, an' give him some more, Alphonsine she's say. "But de old rascal is so scare 'bout dat, dat he's say he's pay right off. So we's pull him up near to de platform, only we hain't big 'nuff fool for let him out of de net till he's take out his purse an' pay de twelve dollare. "Monjee, M'sieu!

"I I want to get off," she blurted. The porter shook his head; he had expected better from her, but all women were riddles. "We's rolling now, ma'am," he answered. "No stop for two hundred miles." That night Cecille Manners Tweed-Suit will no longer serve lay in her berth and watched the stars reel by. She had misjudged the west and come away too soon; she knew that now.

And Ethel drew a sudden breath, as from close behind her the soft voice of the darky porter drawled: "Yes'm yes'm dis is New York. We's comin' right into de station now." "Well, Ethel my love, we're here at last! . . . It must be after midnight. I wonder when I'll get to sleep? . . . Not that I care especially. What a quaint habit sleeping is."

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