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For I thought to find the ould wee house, Wid the moss along the wall! And I thought to hear the crackle-grouse, And the brae-birds call! And I sez, I'll find the glad wee burn, And the bracken in the glen, And the fairy-thorn beyont the turn, And the same ould men!

He glanced at his companion thoughtfully as he said, "She was a pretty girl. You knew her in Ontario?" Shannon's hands trembled a little. "Sure," he said. "Larry's place was just a mile beyont our clearing, an' there was never a bonnier thing than Ailly Blake came out from the old country but is it need there is for talking when ye've seen her?

"If you-all wants to decide dis mattah beyont all doubt, Ah respekf'ly suggests dat we hold a see-ance in dis hyar room, under any c'nditions dat you-all kin d'vise. If Ah cain't show yo mo' supernat'ral man'festations dan he can, Ah gives him fifty dollahs. If it's de oder way 'roun', he leaves de city within twenty-fo' hours. Is dat fair?" "Well, it suttinly soun's puff'cly jest," replied Mr.

O'Rourke, wandering retrospectively in the mazes of the marriage service, "to have and to howld, till death bad luck to him! takes one or the ither of us." "You 're a blasphemous creature," said Mrs. Bilkins, severely. "Thim 's the words his riverince spake this mornin', standin' foreninst us," explained Mr. O'Rourke. "I stood here, see, and me jew'l stood there, and the howly chaplain beyont."

"To speak from the heart, John, wha is it?" "Ragon Torr. Thou knows we hae sat i' the same boat an' drawn the same nets for three years; he is gude an' bad, like ither folk." "Keep gude company, my brother, an' thou wilt aye be counted ane o' them. When Ragon is gude he is ower gude, and when he is bad he is just beyont kenning."

So it's there he's goin' to live, and he's gave up the ould place at Clonmena, as well he may, and no loss to him on it, for he sez himself he niver spent a pinny over it beyont what he'd be druv to, if he wanted to get e'er a crop out of it at all, and keep things together in any fashion: he wasn't such a fool."

I was jest back from the same camp you're bound fur. 'Tain't five minutes since I crawled up out o' this yer skift." "What! And did you meet a party going the other way toward our camp, I mean?" "Ay," replied Meadows, standing up in the boat and guiding the legs of Philip as the latter descended from the wharf. "I watched 'em from the patch o' woods beyont Westervelt's.

Tharfer, it'll all depend on which o' the two lots Mister Button belongs to." "If he is not of the Yapoos, what then?" questions the skipper. "Wal, knowin' thet, an' we'll know it afore comin' to the Yapoo country, it bein' beyont t'other, then our best way 'll be to make southart through the Murray Narrer.

It seemed hardly three minutes to those who stood around the fire, before a great wave came riding in and threw the boat and its load upon the sand. Dirk sprang up and seized Trafford before the returning flood had engulfed him. He pointed to the rent ribs of the boat, saying, as he shook himself, "It be as I told ye. Yer lad be beyont yer gold or yer help." They made no more attempts.

Thar's the difference, that in the Gardin o' Eeden thar's but one woman spoken of; hyar thar's two, one o' which you yurself hev called a angel, an' ye hain't sayed anythin' beyont the downright truth. She air a angel, if iver thar was sech on airth.