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Updated: November 22, 2024

Sampson concluded this was his man, and said roughly: "Where did you drive young Hardie this morning?" He seemed rather taken aback by this abrupt question; but reflected and slapped his thigh: "Why, that is the party from Mill Street." "Yes." "Druv him to Silverton station, sir: and wasn't long about it, either gent was in a hurry." "What train did he go by?"

At last Mr. Snell, the landlord, a man of a neutral disposition, accustomed to stand aloof from human differences as those of beings who were all alike in need of liquor, broke silence, by saying in a doubtful tone to his cousin the butcher "Some folks 'ud say that was a fine beast you druv in yesterday, Bob?" The butcher, a jolly, smiling, red-haired man, was not disposed to answer rashly.

Why, there was one of them horses never could have run away before; it hadn't never been druv but twice! and the other horse maybe had run away a few times, but there was lots of times he hadn't run away.

He sez, "That men wuz so used to hammer and nails;" and he sez, and stuck to it, that, "No woman livin' ever druv a nail home without splittin' her own nail in the effort, and bendin' the nail she driv sideways." But I sot him down in my mind as representin' Old Prejudice, and I did not dain a reply to him. Only I merely said

"Hope they won't to-day!" said Preston, who was eating strawberries and bread and milk at a great rate. "Where's the rest of your party?" the woman went on. "We're all here, ma'am," said Preston. "Well, I see a horse there that haint nobody on top of him?" "I was on top of him a little while ago," said Preston. "Well, I expect that little creetur haint druv herself?"

I says to Susan Ellen last week I was sure 'twas Friday, and she said no, 'twas Thursday; but next minute you druv by and headin' toward North Kilby, so we found I was right." "I've got to be a featur' of the landscape," said Mr. Briley plaintively. "This kind o' weather the old mare and me, we wish we was done with it, and could settle down kind o' comfortable.

'If he is a Yankey he's a decent lad what what? "The Gin'ral shook hands with Jack an', says he: 'Young man, I have no doubt o' 'yer curidge or yer decency. "A grand pair o' hosses an' a closed coach druv up an' the ol' what-whatter an' two other men got into it an' hustled off 'cross the field towards the pike which it looked as if they was in a hurry.

His works were written seldom with perfect fairness, never with the dry light required for a clear presentation of the truth; they have all "an infusion from the will and the affections"; but they were all written with a whole sincerity and utter fervour; they rose from his hot heart, and rushed through the air "like rockets druv' by their own burnin'." Consequently his readers confess that he has never forgot the Horatian maxim

"Why, he lies, I guess, now, in that little thickest swamp of all, jist in the eend of the swale atween Round Top and Rocky Hill, right in the pines and laurels; leastways I druv him down there with the dogs, and I swon that he never crossed into the open meadow; and I went round, and made a circle like clean round about him, and darn the dog trailed on him no how; and bein' as he's hard hot, I guess he'll stay there since he harbored."

One day in the spring I hitched up, rustled a dozen of the youngsters into coops, and druv over to the railroad to make our first sale. I couldn't fold them chickens up into them coops at first, but then I stuck the coops up on aidge and they worked all right, though I will admit they was a comical sight.

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