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Updated: January 13, 2025
The officers and grandees behind shouted, "Forward! forward!" whereon those attending to the ass hustled it and its rider a little nearer to the water's edge, while the guards ran back to explain what had happened.
Robin Featherstone stepped back into the crowd, where he was pretty well hustled and pushed about before he regained his horse; but he managed to keep fast hold of the money and the diamond clasp. He was rather troubled what to do with them.
The comrade of Hans announces them as they pass the bar, and the next moment they are in the travellers’ room, amid as motley a group as ever met within four walls. Tumult and hubbub. A variety of hustled blouses. Sunburnt and haggard faces. Ragged beards and unkempt locks. Wild snatches of song, and hurried bursts of dialogue.
"A man don't want to show up plumb broke like that younger son did after eatin' with the hogs the bishop told about. His father was a Jim-dandy, that hog chap's. Hustled around and set 'em up when he come back home. Frank, he'd say to me 'How do you do, brother? and he'd be wearin' a good suit o' clothes and no, sir, you bet!"
In two minutes he told the bewildered and finally delighted Peggy what was going to happen, and as Blackton hustled out for the minister's house he followed Joanne. She had fastened her door behind her. He knocked. Slowly she opened it. "John " "I have told them, dear," he whispered happily. "They understand. And, Joanne, Paul Blackton will be back in ten minutes with the minister. Are you glad?"
James, dimpling and fussing, hustled me into a green brocade gown which smelt of moth powder, and was so big that it went on easily over my frock. Then came a purple silk cloak with wide flowing sleeves and a romantic hood. One of the photograph men stood by to direct us; and when Mrs. James was putting the hood over my head, he stopped her.
He was a poor enough rogue himself, hustled and abused by everybody, an unsuccessful and shabby vagabond, notwithstanding his new fortune; but Jack was the glorified impersonation of cleverness and wickedness and triumph to Wodehouse.
If you'd given a hoot from the window I'd have hustled up, and not kept you waiting. Just hang on two shakes while I get my hat. I won't stay to prink!" "I am not accustomed " began Miss Briskett, automatically, but she spoke to thin air. Cornelia had flown up the path in a cloud of swirling skirts; cries of "Mury!
Taken with others by the Commander-in-Chief in the recent glorious victory of the tin soldiers over the cat pirates. Here you are, sir!" He motioned to two of the soldiers who stood on guard over something in a dim corner of the glade. The soldiers hustled the object forward. It was Captain Mittens!
Na, na; there's nae good fechtin' agin fate and the judges. Weel, I wush you well o' yer victory. Aiblins' twill be oor turn next." Then a rush, headed by Sam'l, roughly hustled the one away and bore the other off on its shoulders in boisterous triumph. In giving the Cup away, Lady Eleanour made a prettier speech than ever.
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