Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: January 13, 2025
What ghastly scenes, illumined still more by those rockets of flame from the forts which cut across the plain to stay the brutal invaders! I saw a little girl come out from the débris to draw water from a pump for what? For whom?
For some little time the whole building was a blinding crimson mass, the towers continued to spout thick columns of rockets aloft, and overhead the sky was radiant with arrowy bolts which clove their way to the zenith, paused, curved gracefully downward, then burst into brilliant fountain-sprays of richly colored sparks.
Torches of cedar, burning like rockets, were thrown into the air, the tom-toms pealed out their muffled notes, and from a thousand throats rolled the great wedding song, until the tepees shook, and the hills and valleys echoed with the sounds of rejoicing. They danced and chanted and feasted while the stars came out till the sky seemed crowded, while the camp-fires leaped and blazed.
They had commenced firing Hale's rockets while we were in advance pursuing the enemy, and a couple of these screeching projectiles had actually passed over my head. We had neither eaten nor drunk since the preceding evening, with the exception of some water that we had procured from a stream at the extreme limit of the pursuit; where we had lost the enemy, who had scattered in the forest.
The wind was, however, contrary, and they were compelled to remain that night in the river; and as soon as the darkness came on, the whole shore became resplendent with illuminations at the windows in the city, and with rockets, and fire balls, and fireworks of every kind, rising from boats upon the water, and from the banks, and heights, and castle battlements all around upon the land.
Its rockets splashed, but the flame did not extend out to the edge of the clearing that had been burned off at first. The rocket-flames, indeed, did not approach the proportion to be seen on rockets on film-tape, or as Cochrane had seen below the moon-rocket descending on Earth. The ship settled within yards of its original landing-place. Its rockets dwindled, but remained burning.
Ah! as the red of a rocket streaked the haze, 'she's standing in to signal before she clears the Channel. 'Is it a wreck? said Maisie, to whom these words were as Greek. Dick's eyes were turned to the sea. 'Wreck! What nonsense! She's only reporting herself. Red rocket forward there's a green light aft now, and two red rockets from the bridge. 'What does that mean?
Well, have you ever heard the long booming whistle of a steamboat two miles out on the lake in the dusk, and while you listen and count and wonder, seen the crimson rockets going up against the sky and then heard the fire bell ringing right there beside you in the town, and seen the people running to the town wharf?
When their eyes had become used to the gloom again, after the glare of the rockets and bombs, the young inventor said: "Look out of the windows, Ned, and see if our guards have run away." Ned did as requested, but for a few seconds he could make out nothing. Then he cried out: "They've gone, but they're coming back again, and there are twice as many.
He sat that way, tense and immobile, for what seemed a long time until abruptly the strain was relieved and he heard the rising and falling whine of the rockets that told him the ship was in pulse drive, flickering back and forth across the speed of light. He realized that the pilots had not discovered his extra weight, and that the initial hazards were over.
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