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Sitting on my folding-chair beside the stove, with a cup of tea in my hand and a plate of beans on a doily on a packing-box beside me, I was entirely comfortable. Through the glasses I could see the red-haired man on the other shore sitting on a rock, with his head in his hands; but Mr. McDonald had clearly located on the other side of his island and was not in sight.

Finally most considerate of all by telling a newspaper man that I had seduced a girl here!" The superintendent flushed still redder. "No!" he declared. "What?" cried Hal. "You didn't tell Billy Keating of the Gazette that I had seduced a girl in North Valley? You didn't describe the girl to him a red-haired Irish girl?" "I merely said, Mr. Warner, that I had heard certain rumours "

One of these little creatures, being exquisitely white and eminently pleasing to look upon, was straightway named, with her gracious permission, "Peninnah Penelope Anne," and she was assured that because of this name its owner, a slim, sentimental, red-haired youth, would never part from it.

"Say, have you boys got any Red Cross cigarettes? I ain't only got cigars, an' you can't hand a cigar to a lady, can you?" The Captain grinned again. An appreciative giggle went round. "Will a couple of packages do you? Because I've got some here," said the red-haired sergeant reaching in the drawer of his desk. "Fine."

The Nuremberg magistrates had had Cyriax's tongue cropped for gross blasphemy, and listeners could scarcely comprehend the words he mangled in his gasping speech. The red-haired woman dropped the knife with which she was slicing bread and onions into a pot, and looked at her companion with an anxious, questioning glance.

"Nay, but I've heard tell that she is wondrous fair." "Hum!" quoth Sir Benedict, "I love not your red-haired spit-fires. Methinks, an Ivo win her, she'll lead him how she will, or be broke in the adventure a malison upon him, be it how it may!"

The red-haired girl I met at lunch one day at your father's house?" "That's it. You're a great guesser. I think you ought to stop the thing." "I intend to." "Fine!" "The marriage would be unsuitable in every way. Miss Bennett and my son do not vibrate on the same plane." "That's right. I've noticed it myself." "Their auras are not the same colour."

It belonged to a red-haired person a youth of fifteen, as I take it now, but looking much older whose hair was cropped as close as the closest stubble; who had hardly any eyebrows, and no eyelashes, and eyes of a red-brown, so unsheltered and unshaded, that I remember wondering how he went to sleep.

Grasping the gentlemanly house-breaker by the waist, he suddenly hurled that unfortunate heels over head into the kennel, tripped up the policeman, knocked the bearded accomplice into the arms of the jeweller, the red-haired one into the broken window, and bolted! Instantly a wild chase began.

Then he pulled out his jackknife and felt its sharp edge with his thumb. "Lemme do it for you!" Red begged him, holding out his hand for the knife. But Johnnie Green had no such idea. "No!" he said firmly. "I've got to cut my initials myself." "He might get loose and grab you," the red-haired boy remarked hopefully. But Johnnie Green told him that he would risk that.

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