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"Well, Soot, me laddy, what do ye make of it?" "Thar's a party of the varmints just beyont the place we meant to ride out." "Well, what of that? You can lave the pass somewhere along here, where there seem plenty of places that ye can climb out, while I make a dash out of that, and we'll meet agin after we get clear of the spalpeens."

"The head-piece ye have is beyont me inthirely. And if ye stand out, how will ye lay close inshore?" "By returning, my good friend, before the morning breaks; each man to his station, lying as close as can be by day, with proper outlooks hidden at the points, but standing along the coast every night, and communicating with sentries.

Standing or sitting, they are scattered all over the ground. It would be impossible for anyone going down the gorge to get past them unperceived; and for two men to attack twelve, however courageous the former and cowardly the latter, the odds would be too great. "I wouldn't mind it for all that," says Walt, concluding his response to the rash proposal, "ef thar war nothin' more to be did beyont.

The railroad's a ways beyont that, but it ain't awful far." The man looked and nodded, then smiled, a slight curling of his lip, a slight contraction of the skin round his eyes. "If you show me the way I'll give you a quarter," he said, turning the smile on Tito. Tito did not like the smile; it suggested a dog's lifted lip when contemplating battle.