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It was dark, but I heard a groan and something like the big man went plunk into the river. Then Jean made a dash by me, and he's on a horse now, and a mile beyont the South Pole by this time. 'Tain't no pony, I bet you, but a big cavalry horse he's stole. He put a knife into what went into the river, so it won't come out. That Imitation isn't Le Claire, but nather is he anybody else now.

"If money will tempt you, you shall have all of mine! You shall have more than ever your eyes saw before! I will make you all rich! only try, only try!" "We'd try soon enough for the young master's sake, an' ye might keep yer gold," said Dirk; "but it wud be no use, an' only losin' of life. The lad be beyont our help or yer gold, either."

But agin it, thar's a contrary sarcumstance, in thar bein' two sarts o' Tekeneekas: one harmless and rayther friendly disposed torst white people, t'other bein' jest the revarse 'most as bad as the Ailikoleeps. The bad uns are called Yapoos, an' hev thar squattin' groun' east'ard 'long the channel beyont, whar a passage leads out, knowed as the Murray Narrer.

It was when his story was over and the conversation showed a tendency to languish that Mark said: "I was just looking out over there and trying to locate the place where the bandits had their cache." Tito raised a grubby hand and pointed. "Right away beyont where you see the water shinin'. It's a sort of island I was out there after I come back but the hole was all washed away and filled up."

"And it's good for me to do the squirmin' myself, for once." "I thought so much. I likit ye mysel', and I'll be thinkin' of you, nights, and your wild life out beyont. I'll tell you somethin' now, and belike you'll laugh at me." He lowered his voice and spoke wistfully.

"Spring set in and the birds came back frae beyont the sea, swallows and yallow wagtails and sandpipers; the meadows were breet wi' paigles, and the childer gethered bluebells and lilies o' the valley i' the woods for Whissuntide, and iverything went on same as afore. We had a good lambing time, and a good hay harvest at efter. I kept Jerry under my eye all the while, and nowt went wrang wi' him.

Na! came the answer, 'there is nae sic another fule in these parts. Nor has there been since the time o' Jamie Fleeman him that was fule to the Laird o' Udny. Why, mon! sic a heathenish dress as ye have on till ye has nae been seen in these pairts within the memory o' mon. An' I'm thinkin' that sic a dress never was for sittin' on the cauld rock, as ye done beyont.

"Listen, dear," Anna said, "God's arm is not shortened." "Did ye think that an arm could be stretched from beyont th' clouds t' Pogue's entry?" "Aye." "No, dear, but God takes a han' where ever He can find it and jist diz what He likes wi' it.

"It was my part, Phil, an' I ain't no shirker just because I'm not tin feet tall an' don't have to be weighed on Judson's stock scales." O'mie rested awhile on the pillows. Then he continued his story. "They was more or less border raidin' betwixt Jean an' me till we got beyont the high cliff above the Hermit's Cave.

It's a truth that he's been drinking. Ye can smell it off of him, more blame to him. But, indade, and there's nothing in the house beyont the furnicher, and Thim Stock. It's the stock that ye'll be taking, dear. A sore penny it has cost me, first and last, and, by all tales, not worth an owld tobacco-pipe."