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If you are a worker and not a shirker if you are a lifter and not a leaner if you have done your best to succeed in your present vocation, and are still dissatisfied, and feel that you could do better in some other line of work, we hope that this book has been of some assistance to you in determining your new line.

"I think, when you are one of a handful of the richest men in New York; when, for instance, you could dictate the policy of a great newspaper, yet know it only as the course that follows your grapefruit, you are a shirker and a drone, and are not playing the game." Her hand tightened on the tiller.

It ought to be the proudest in your life proud because your example has taught each of your sons to do the difficult things which seem right. It would have been a condemnation of you if any one of us had been a shirker. "I want to buy fine things for you And be a soldier if I can." The lines come back to me now. You read them to me first in the dark little study from a green oblong book.

No one's commissions had been forgotten. "Your leave didn't do you two so much good this afternoon," grinned Corporal Hyman. "Why not?" Sergeant Overton wanted to know. "On account of the weather we didn't have parade, anyway." "I'm no parade shirker," retorted Hal. "On the busiest day we're not being overworked here.

Do you know what I am, Tommy?" "I am prepared to hear," said the other. "A coward! It sounds nice, doesn't it? I am a shirker, a man who would be drummed out of any regiment." "Rot!" said Wratislaw. "In that sort of thing you have the courage of your kind. You are the wrong sort of breed for common shirking cowards.

In it go on the industrial processes of cooking, cleaning, sewing, washing; the care of silver, glass, linen, and household stores; the activities of buying food and clothing; the moral responsibilities of teaching and training servants and children. If any healthy member of the home is excused from at least some form of active work, he will inevitably be a shirker when he grows up.

For clerks in a comatose state, and the shirker who would sell his labor and then connive to give short count, he had no pity; but for the stricken or the fallen, his heart and his purse were always open. He gloried in work and could not understand why others should not get their enjoyment out of it also.

"I called you a shirker, Bob, and ordered Helen to leave you alone. Now I see you're the better man and I'm a confounded, fault-finding prig. But you're not vindictive, and we'll let that go. The trouble is, I'm obstinate and sure of what I can do at least, I was, though my confidence has got shaken recently. Well, I think I can finish this contract, but don't know.

Defeated or undefeated, the writer who always is trying to master something more difficult than the work he used to do preserves his self-respect and the respect of his worth-while neighbors. The fellow with the canker at his heart is not the battler but the envious shirker who is too "proud" to risk a fall. Swallow what you suppose to be your pride; it really is a false sense of dignity.

"Does he?" retorted your dear Aunt with withering scorn. "He is just as much like his father as a lemon is like a lobster." This ended our conversation. But the effect of it is still with me. Last night I dreamed of lemons and today I prescribed lobster for a man with acute dyspepsia. I tell you what, you old shirker, it's up to you to come home and bear your own Aunt. I'm through. Bones.