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Ossie nodded and glanced darkly at Perry. "If he stays around we will," he answered. "We've got enough for three or four days yet, though. Better have some canned stuff, I guess. And some flour and sugar." "How's the treasury, Phil?" inquired Han. "Still holding out. Where's the next stop, Steve?" "We said Portsmouth, but Harry wants to put in at Salem. I don't suppose it matters much."

The economic results of the Turkestan trade in this period were not so unfavourable as in the earlier Han period. The army of occupation was incomparably smaller, and under Pan Ch'ao's policy the soldiers were fed and paid in Turkestan itself, so that the cost to China remained small.

"I fear there is no doubt," he said, "that I shall die without seeing my family again." Han Hsiang Tzu consoled him, gave him a prescription, and said: "Not only will you return in perfect health to the bosom of your family, but you will be reinstated in your former offices." All this took place exactly as he had predicted.

But they could not afford pork very often; he generally had to be content with rice. One morning, as he was setting off to his work, his wife sent Han Chung, his son, running after him to ask him to bring home some firewood. "I shall have to go up into the mountain for it at noon," he said. "Go and bring me my axe, Han Chung."

Han ye heard o' his good luck?" Rather to her disappointment, Mary owned she had heard of the sum his master had paid him for his invention. "Well! and did not Margaret tell you what he'd done wi' it? It's just like him, though, ne'er to say a word about it. Why, when he were paid, what does he do but get his master to help him to buy an income for me and Alice.

"I'm glaid to see the yoong wuman an' a bonny lass she is! in sic guid company," said Miss Horn, looking down from the opposite side of the way. "I'm thinkin' the han' o' the markis 'ill be i' this, no'!" All was ready to receive her, but in the present bad state of the harbour, and the tide having now ebbed a little way, the boat could not get close either to quay or shore.

"I never could think you were dead, my boy," was whispered in Carey's ear; "and your dear mother always felt the same. I knew I should find you, and I have, thank God! thank God!" "Car-ee's ole man?" said a voice just after, and Mr Cranford turned sharply round to stare at the shining black face. "Yes," he said, frowning; "I am Carey's er old man." "Me Jackum! You shake han'?"

I'll wipe the chair, so that it shanna dirty your cloak. My mother used to wear them bright cloaks, and they're right gradely things again a green field." "Han ye known Susan Palmer long?" asked Mrs. Leigh, pleased with the admiration of her cloak. "Ever since they comed to live in our street. Our Sally goes to her school." "Whatten sort of a lass is she, for I ha' never seen her?"

We have managed to wedge in all the dog biscuits, the total weight being about 5 tons; Meares is reluctant to feed the dogs on seal, but I think we ought to do so during the winter. We stayed with the Kinseys at their house 'Te Han' at Clifton.

The old woman who was baking turned round and said, "Ay; an' it'll be mony another afore we han one aw deawt." There were three dirty-looking hens picking and croodling about the cottage floor. "How is it you don't sell these, or else eat 'em?" said he. "Eh, dear," replied the old woman, "dun yo want mo kilt?

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