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Blake," she pleaded mildly; "her words are to some extent true, but I " and the lids drooped slowly over the lovely eyes, while a faint flush tinged the delicate cheeks "I was trying to turn over a new leaf and gain Winnie's love." "My eye, what a cram!" muttered Dick from behind the door. "Oh, but she acts the hypocrite capitally. Now then for Win's happy reply.

"Sorry you are laid by, old man," Max said cheerfully as he was shown into Win's room. "Better luck soon." "It's good of you to come," replied Win, grasping the hand so cordially offered and relieved to see that the pleasant young face bore no expression of the sympathetic pity Win so often read in older countenances.

"This here's a mixed-up play all around," he muttered. "Win's worryin' about killin' Purdy says it's got under his hide 'til he thinks about it nights. It ain't so much bein' on the run that bothers him as it is the fact that he's killed a man." He smiled to himself: "A little worryin' won't hurt him none.

Oh, yes, she was glad she had come, and she must look, look, look at this beautiful picture, so that she might remember its details and hold it before her eyes, like a delicately painted transparency, in front of future realities. But it was in carrying out this intention, in taking in the details, that Win's heart suddenly bounded and then missed a beat. The table had two chairs drawn up to it.

To be sure, after seeing Miss Rolls in the lift, certain kind protestations of friendship had been contradicted by a frozen smile, a cold, embarrassed eye. If Peter's sister were insincere in one way, why not untrustworthy in others? This was one of the questions that darted into Win's brain at night through one of the holes made there by the giant bees of the "L" road. But the answer was obvious.

And yet it was his only chance to cheer, to gladden, perhaps to save gentle Aunt Win's life, to bring her home again. But would she be happy at such a sacrifice? Would she not grieve even at the fireside she had regained over her broken dreams? The sun was close to its setting; supper was over, he knew; and Jim Norris was waiting impatiently for his promised game.

I should very much like to see the legend of his stop in this house authenticated beyond question. Max tells me you are fond of books," the speaker continued. "After tea, I will show you some of our special treasures." Win's face, already alight with interest, grew even more responsive to this offer, yet as the tea came, he felt unaccountably stupid and idiotic.

Ef my old mars's fambly hadn't er gone fo'th en' bin scattered to de fo' win's of de university, I'd a helt on, but when de las' of 'um went to dat Europe, dey couldn't 'ford to take me, an' I had ter stay. An' when I heerd as all yo' kin was gone an' you was gwine to live erlone like dis yere, I come to ax yer to take me to wait on yer as a favier, Marse Rupert as a favier.

Sadie would be Win's own special charge, her Mend, for whom she had the right and privilege to provide. No more work in shops for Sadie! No more work at all till she was cured. Perhaps a winter in the Adirondacks, then such radiant health as the "sardine" had hardly ever known. Meanwhile the thoughts of Ursus must be turned from the girl who could never love him to the girl who already did.

"There's a number of queer things about this old place," said Connie, sharing Win's look of expectation. "Max and I have run a good many of them to earth, but there may be something yet. Certainly we never stumbled on any Spanish chest." The two young people helped the Colonel spread the plans and arrange paper-weights to keep them flat.