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"I'll explain, if you'll only hold your tongues, and not look so scared like." "No, Ruby; no, lad, you must change yer clothes first," said the smith, in a tone of authority; "why, the fire makes you steam like a washin' biler. Come along with me, an' I'll rig you out." "Ay, go hup with 'im, Ruby. Bless me, this is the most amazin' hincident as ever 'appened to me. Never saw nothink like it."

So dey's kiss one anoder good only all their close is tore to pieces. "An' what you tink 'bout Old Man Savarin? Old Man Savarin is just stand in front of his store all de time, an' he's say: 'I'll tink I'll fetch him bose hup to de magistrate, an' I'll learn him bose a lesson. "Me, I'll be only fifteen, but I hain't scare 'bout dat fight same like my moder is scare.

"Yes, yes!" said Jack, "but vot hif ve should run foul of the henemy and be taken hup as belongin to these 'ere chaps, hif so be they're beaten, as I hope they vill?"

I 'eard a fellow as vos there say, that they used to steal hoff at night and 'av hodd sport and leave none to tell the tale in the mornin. Glorious, vosn't it? And then ven they gathered hup the svag, they made it hall right vith the sentries and sometimes vith the hofficers themselves."

"Vell, jes' ye vait a minute, han hi'll show ye 'ow hi kin take hup things han put 'em down hag'in hout o' my vay," and before Mrs. Mumpson could interfere, she found herself lifted, chair and all bodily, and carried to the parlor. Between trepidation and anger, she could only gasp during the transit, and when left in the middle of the parlor floor she looked around in utter bewilderment.

That is, I should say, after the first minute." "Just what I say," he replied. "Another thing don't it strike you as bein' bloomin' queer about Tom nearly comin' down by ther run, an' then this?" I nodded. "It would have been all hup with Tom, if it hadn't been for ther gasket." He paused. After a moment, he went on again. "That was honly three or four nights ago!" "Well," said Plummer.

His French Canadian father, Joe Gagneau, "Ol' Joe," was a survival of a bygone age, the glorious golden age of the river and the bush, of the shanty and the raft, of the axe and the gun, the age of Canadian romance, of daring deed, of wild adventure. "An' it ees half-hour too queek," persisted Joe. "Come on hup to de dam."

"I laid my money on, sir I got all I could, and borrowed, and bought Sir Francis's bills; many of 'em had his name, and the gentleman's as is just gone out, Edward Strong, Esquire, sir: and of course I know of the blow hup and shindy as is took place in Grosvenor-place, sir: and as I may as well make my money as another, I'd be very much obleeged to you if you'd tell me whether my lady will come down any more."

"Get hup, yer great cowardly booby, will yer? So you thought you was coming hout to frighten a little lad, did ye? And you met with one of your hown size, did ye? Now will ye get hup and take it like a man, or shall I give it you as ye lie there?" Bully Tom chose the least of two evils, and staggering to his feet with an oath, rushed upon John.

And he laughed hoarsely. "Non!" said the driver suddenly, "it is not the 'otel dog." The American did not lose interest. "These little dawgs are all alike," he said. "Dare say if you kicked that dawg in the face, he'd bite you. Hup, Michael!" With that he fell into deep thought. We rattled up and down the steep streets, out among tidy fields, and back into the noisily sedate city again.