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"If so be as how as the corporal says that ere," cried Smallbones, striking the palm of his left hand with his right fist, "why I am jiggered if he don't tell a lie as big as himself that's all. That ere man is my mortal henemy; and if that ere dog gets into trouble I'm a sartain to be in trouble too. What should I cut the dog's tail off for, I should like for to know?

Yes, in me, Robert Frog, Esquire, of Chikopow Farm, Canada Vest, you be'old your ancient henemy, who is on'y too 'appy to 'ave the chance of axin your parding for all the trouble he gave you, an' all the 'ard names he called you in days gone by."

"Fishing-junks," ejaculated the mate, " pretty far out, too, but a Chink'll risk his life for a few bleedin' cash ... and yet he won't fight at all ... an' if you do him an injury he's like as not likely to up an' commit suicide at your door, to get even!" "That's a bally orful way to get even with a henemy!" exclaimed a stoker, who sat on the edge of the forward hatch. "I should say so, too!"

"Oh," said Esther, "I don't even know where I shall sleep tonight. I have only threepence, and not a friend in the world." "Now look 'ere, if you'll listen to reason I'll talk to you. Yer mustn't look upon me as a henemy. I've been a good friend to many a poor girl like you afore now, and I'll be one to you if you're sensible. I'll do for you what I'm doing for the other girl.

Come on!" and as he shouted, the door crashed down and a patrol of British soldiers, attracted by the noise, and delayed by the stout door, burst into the courtyard. "At the henemy in front, fixed sights," shouted the corporal in charge. And added an order not to be found in the drill-book: "Blow 'em to 'ell if they budges."

"Yes, yes!" said Jack, "but vot hif ve should run foul of the henemy and be taken hup as belongin to these 'ere chaps, hif so be they're beaten, as I hope they vill?"

"The suspended sacks before you represent the henemy. You are to treat 'em so."

"You must halways keep in mind that the henemy is before you. It's important that you should visualise your foe. The henemy is hever before you. Anything be-ind a British soldier won't trouble anybody, and you are to remember that hit's either you or 'im." In moments of rapid action the sergeant major evidently had difficulty with his aspirates.

"If so be as how as the corporal says that 'ere," cried Smallbones, striking the palm of his left hand with his right fist, "why I'm jiggered if he don't tell a lie as big as himself that's all. That 'ere man is my mortal henemy; and if that 'ere dog gets into trouble I'm a sartain to be in trouble too. What should I cut the dog's tail off for, I should like for to know?

We walked down the long straight road toward the ruins of Vermelles with a young soldier-guide who on the outskirts of the village remarked in a casual way: "No one is allowed along this road in daylight, as a rule. It's under hobservation of the henemy." "Then why the devil did you come this way?" asked my companion. "I thought you might prefer the short cut, sir."