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"I think, like you, that we 'ave 'ad too waum weatheh. Me, I like that weatheh to be cole, me. I halways weigh the mose in cole weatheh. I gain flesh, in fact. But so soon 'tis summeh somethin' become of it. I dunno if 'tis the fault of my close, but I reduct in summeh.

"Why not?" laughed Helen again, and tucking the letters into her waist she started humming. Unobserved Ma'm Maynard had entered to straighten the room and, through the mirror, Mary saw her grimly nodding her head. "Why, Ma'm Maynard," said Mary, "you don't think that all men are fools, too, do you?" "Eet is not halways safe to say what one believes," said Ma'm, pursing her lips with mystery.

From over the distance came the memory of Ma'm Maynard's words: "I tell you, Miss Mary, it has halways been so and it halways will: Everything that lives has its own natural enemy and a woman's natural enemy eet is man!" "No, sir!" said Mary to herself, as resolutely as ever, "I don't believe it.

"Reely, I cann' tell you; but thass one thing, Doctah, I dunno if you 'ave notiz: the worl' halways take a gweat deal of welfa'e in a man w'en 'e's 'ising. I do that myseff. Some'ow I cann' 'e'p it." This bold speech was too much for him. He looked down at his symmetrical legs and went back to his desk. The Doctor was far from reassured. After a silence he called out:

Sweater made no reply. 'I've kept the fire agoin' in hall the rooms has you told me, sir, resumed Crass after a pause. 'I think you'll find as the place is nice and dry, sir; the honly places as is a bit damp is the kitchen and scullery and the other rooms in the basement, sir, but of course that's nearly halways the case, sir, when the rooms is partly hunderground, sir.

"Honly hit halways struck me that if them old buccaneers, as they calls 'em, was proper sailormen, they'd 'ave spent the hull blunt hinstead o' buryin' hof hit." "Holy heavers, Bingo, they couldn't spend it all!" exclaimed Ditty. "There was too much of it. Millions, mind you!" "Millions! My heye!" croaked the Cockney. "A million of yer Hamerican dollars or a million sterling?"

'E's halways a-comin' over somethin' cleverlike, is John. Lard save us! will yeh listen to that, now!" she continued in an awestruck undertone, as Iola's voice came in full rich melody from the next room. "An' Ben is fair raptured with 'er. Poor Benny! it's a sore calamity 'as overtaken 'im, a-breakin' of 'is leg an' a-mutilatin' of 'isself.

"Oh, Ma'm Maynard, no!" protested Mary, who had turned from the mirror and was staring with wide eyes. "I can't believe it never!" "What is it, ma cherie, which you cannot believe?" "That man is woman's natural enemy." "But I tell you, yes, yes.... It has halways been so and it halways will. Everything that lives has its own natural enemy and a woman's natural enemy it is man!

Ma'm Maynard's old saying arose to her mind: "I tell you, Miss Mary, it has halways been so and it halways will: Everything that lives has its own natural enemy and a woman's natural enemy: eet is man!" "No, sir, I don't believe it!" Mary told herself. "And I never shall believe it, either!" The next afternoon Judge Cutler brought her an editorial entitled, "We Shall See."

Why you don't stay where you be halways 'appy? Why you don't buy somewheres else?" "That's none of yonr business," snapped the planter. Truth was, his reasons were unsatisfactory even to himself. A sullen silence followed. Then Charlie spoke: "Well, now, look here; I sell you old Charlie's house." "Bien! and the whole block," said the Colonel. "Hold on," said Charlie.