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One might well drive a man insane, cause him to leap overboard in utter horror. His feverish brooding was interrupted by a wild flood of abuse from the starboard deck. It was Galton's voice bellowing: "Were is 'e? Were is that bloody Hamerican? 'E 'it me! 'It me in th' eye for trying to 'elp 'im! You lads goin' to see me murdered for nothin'?"

"Our 'orses are 'arnessed as they had orter be, Miss Gibson, and as the Queen 'erself rides them in the hold country. 'Hi'm doing my best to teach you young ladies proper, and I can't 'old with some of these loose Hamerican 'abits. They wouldn't be 'eld with for a minute in the Row." "Oh, a fig for your old Row, Dawson!

The Englishman was just in the mood to be savagely tickled at the prospect of a fight. He had not had a good, square one since he had been in the country, and nothing yet had offered so gratifying as the prospect of polishing off one of the despised "Hamerican sojers."

Came a medley of drunken questions: "W'ot's th' matter? Who bloodied your bloomin' eyes? W'ot 'appened?" "That Hamerican chap!" bawled Galton savagely. "'E 'it me for 'elpin' 'im make a fire! Goin' to see me run over an' killed?" "Faith Oi didn't see nawthin'," panted Malone, fresh from his dance "Won't you stan' by a Hinglishman?" shouted the battered one. "Sure we will!" "We're Hinglish!"

"Hamericans is bloomin' green," he remarked, "so youse can stand for Hamerican, right enough. No other wissitors is such blarsted fools. But yon's the palace, an' I s'pose 'is Majesty'll give ye a 'ot reception." "Thanks; I'll look him up," said the boy, and left the officer convulsed with laughter. He soon knew why.

"Honly hit halways struck me that if them old buccaneers, as they calls 'em, was proper sailormen, they'd 'ave spent the hull blunt hinstead o' buryin' hof hit." "Holy heavers, Bingo, they couldn't spend it all!" exclaimed Ditty. "There was too much of it. Millions, mind you!" "Millions! My heye!" croaked the Cockney. "A million of yer Hamerican dollars or a million sterling?"

"Beggin' your pardon, Colonel," she said, dropping her curtsey, "but I'm not much hacquainted with these Hamerican monies, and would you be so good as to tell me the worth of twenty-one gold guineas in the dollars they uses in this country.

Look at these would-be worm-holes, but they were made with an AUGER. Marry, WE know what worm-holes are!" A ghastly grin spread over the faces of the spectral assembly as they gathered around the chest with silent laughter. "Wilt walk 'ere and see the phonograph in the libry, made by Hedison, an Hamerican, which bottles up the voice and preserves it fresh for a hundred years?

"Four bells!" they cried and swept away around the ring, their gay laughter flung behind them to where their companion's horses were fidgeting and chafing under Dawson's highly conventional restraint, while that disconcerted man whose veneer had so promptly been penetrated by Peggy's keen vision, forgot himself so far as to mutter under his breath: "These Hamerican girls are the limit, and I'm in for a of a time if I don't mind my hey.

His statement was doubted to-day by an English sailor, who called him 'a blarsted Hamerican liar, and the shine took off his own rubber leg, and knocked the sailor down. He could move faster on his one leg than the other on two, and Monsieur Lontane had to summon two assistants to take him to the calaboose. He wouldn't resume his rubber leg.