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"What's your name, age, previous place of employment, and prison-record, if any?" snapped Holmes impatiently, as he noticed the obese face and low brow of the man before him. "Why, er, ah, my name is Hegbert Bunbury, sir. Hi ham forty-two years old. Hi hused to work for the Duke of Bridgerswold, sir, but Hi 'ave come down hin the world, sir, and now Hi ham working for honly a hearl.

"Honly hit halways struck me that if them old buccaneers, as they calls 'em, was proper sailormen, they'd 'ave spent the hull blunt hinstead o' buryin' hof hit." "Holy heavers, Bingo, they couldn't spend it all!" exclaimed Ditty. "There was too much of it. Millions, mind you!" "Millions! My heye!" croaked the Cockney. "A million of yer Hamerican dollars or a million sterling?"

If so be your way's mine, we might 'old on together. There seems to be pretty much men around 'ere, an' I never did take much stock in men. Leastway honly in one or two," with an appreciative remembrance of Colonel Rush and her young master, Russell Neville.

I shouldn't wonder: a good family," thought the Major. "The cadets of many of our good families follow the robe as a profession. Comfortable rooms, eh?" "Honly saw the outside of the door, sir, with Mr. Warrington's name and Mr. Arthur's painted up, and a piece of paper with 'Back at 6; but I couldn't see no servant, sir." "Economical at any rate," said the Major. "Very, sir. Three pair, sir.

Where?" said Billy. "Vhere?" repeated the queer little man. "If I vos to tell you vhere, Billy, your hingenuity vouldn't be drored out. Von o' the uses of hexperience, Billy, is to dror hout the hingenuity. You're lookin' summat doleful, Billy. Cheer hup, me boy, cheer hup! I'd like to inwite you to this 'ere feast, but there's honly von 'elp o' cheese left, an' honly von svaller of beer.

If it's a pint of vhisky, vhy, all right; but if it's honly a pint of beer vhen there's seven hon'able ladies an' gents " "I bigs the Chair's pardon," interrupted Mr. O'Fake, "but the Chair labors under a slight misaper ahem!" Mr. O'Fake finished the word with a cough. It was a cough which he always kept ready for use in that way whenever needed. "The gintleman manes he objects to the persadin's."

"Jules McCarty have disgrace' his son!" "Melinda Crée," retorted Honoré, obliged to defend his own, "she take a little 'usban' honly nineteen." "She 'ave no chance like Jules; she is oblige' to wait and take what invite her." The voices of children from other quarter-breed cottages, playing along the beach, added cheer to the sweet darkness.

"We stayed on a while after Freedom and den our Massy he giv' my mothah a cow and calf along wid other presents an 'he carried us back to my father an' we had a little home. "Ah loved man Missus just as good as ah did my own mothah. She whipped me a few times but then de whippins wuz honly raps on de head wid her thimble. "Now, ah wouldn't steal nothin' else, but uh ah, uh ah did like sugah!"

"Genelmen," he said, when at last he had somewhat recovered, "you've listened to our horders, and I'll honly remind you that them that hain't with us is agin us, as Saint Paul says. Back-sliders and goats may return to the bar, but me and the fleecy sheep is agoing to see this thing through, and do our dooty hunder the regilations by Board of Trade happointed.

He swore he'd never come back again while Lobelia 'Ankins was there. "'That's it, says he, 'larf at a feller critter's sufferings. I honly wish she'd try to kiss you once, that's all! "Well, I couldn't make him budge, so I decided to go back and get the lay of the land.