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They were formed into fours, marched, wheeled, and countermarched, the spell of ordered motion strong on them. As Foxy said, they had been at it a long time. The gymnasium door opened, revealing McTurk in charge of an old gentleman. The Sergeant, leading a wheel, did not see. "Not so bad," he murmured. "Not 'arf so bad. The pivot-man of the wheel honly marks time, Muster Swayne.

Ah tol' you Ah feel bad for hear dat leetly boy cussin'. Dat was too shame." And Lamoury paused to let this beautiful sentiment impress itself upon the jurors. Mr. Peaslee listened with profound astonishment. "Den he holler somet'ing Ah ain't hear, honly 'Canuck, han' Ah begins for get my mads up. Ah hain't do heem no harm, hein?

"Well, then, is he daffy? off his trolley?" "Off 'is wot?" said Mr. Brimberly, fumbling for his whisker. "Holy Gee!" exclaimed Spike, "can't you understand English? Say, is your brother as smart as you?" "The honly brother as ever I 'ad was a infant as died and but wot was you saying about a winder?" "Nothin'!" "Come, speak up, you young vagabone " began Mr.

Don't you understand that if there was any such monster it would as easily catch you in one place as another?" The men went on. Tom took another tone. "Boys, look here! I say, are you going to desert me like cowards?" "Hain't goin' for desert you, Mr. Tom, no seh!" said Baptiste, halting. "Honly I'll hain' go for cross de track." They all faced round.

'Think of it! cried Grinder, enthusiastically. 'I think it's splendid! Nothing could be better. If we can honly git away with it, I reckon it'll be one of the smartest thing we've ever done. 'Smart ain't the word for it, observed Rushton. 'There's no doubt it's a grand idear! exclaimed Didlum, 'and I've just thought of something else that might be done to help it along.

"I'll be blowed," growled Jack, as they both rambled in the outskirts of the village the morning of their arrival, "if this ain't a go. Honly fancy, Kid, vot a set of spoonies these 'ere fellows har, not to be goin it like the Hinglish in Hindia, or in the Peninsoola under the Duke.

"This is her sister," said Clara, "and this lady is a friend of theirs. I know they've robbed themselves, they've brought so much." "Vun's honly ter come to Hameriker ter be a lady," chuckled Mrs. Wheaton under her breath. "We won't wake your sister," said one of the girls. "She's tired, and no wonder.

Vith that tongue o' yours, Billy, an' that 'ere himposin' presence, ef you honly ad' a crook in yer back or ef yer heye vos honly in the middle uv yer 'ed, Billy, you'd be the leadin' Freak on herth!" With this genial and deserved tribute, which Mr.

And the Colonel rang for his man and proceeded to finish his toilet. He seemed a thought absent-minded this morning. "I say, Wilkins," he questioned, after a little. "Ever read any of Ouida's books?" "Ho, yes, sir," said Wilkins; "Miss 'Enderson Mrs. 'Aggage's maid, that his, sir was reading haloud hout hof 'Hunder Two Flags' honly last hevening, sir."

"I'm blessed if I know!" the collector said. "The honly explanation I can give is that a gent who was seated here has dissolved the hot weather has melted him like butter!" At this there was a shout of laughter, the inspector slammed the door, the guard whistled, and the next moment the train was off.