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"Come and see Rosalie with me, first," said Duane, passing his arm through Scott's and steering him down the sunny corridor. When they knocked, Mrs. Dysart admitted them, revealing herself in full costume, painted and powdered, the blinds pulled down, and the electric lights burning behind their rosy shades.

Returning indoors she called 'Unity! 'She is gone to her aunt's, to spend the evening, said Mr. Swancourt, thrusting his head out of his study door, and letting the light of his candles stream upon Elfride's face less revealing than, as it seemed to herself, creating the blush of uneasy perplexity that was burning upon her cheek. 'I didn't know you were indoors, papa, she said with surprise.

His face, relaxed from the strain of dissembling, looked old and his jaw sagged. But before he had sufficiently recovered to investigate the documents he heard a rustle and looked around. Conscience was standing in the door and he feared that even the slouch of his shoulders, seen from behind, might have been dangerously revealing.

Augusta walked up to the bed and gently lifted the sheet, revealing the sweet face, fringed round about with golden hair, of little Jeannie, in her coffin. Eustace gave an exclamation, and started back violently. He had not been prepared for such a sight; indeed it was the first such sight that he had ever seen, and it shocked him beyond words.

Art, then, and music became for Hugh as a sweet and remote illustration of his own consecration and indeed there were moments when, wearied by his own strenuous toil, ploughing sadly through the dreary sands of labour, that must close at intervals round the feet of the serious craftsman, the sight of a picture hanging perhaps in a room full of cheerful company, or the sound of music a few bars rippling from an open window, or stealing in faint gusts from the buttressed window of a church lighted for evensong came to him like a sacred cup, carried in the hovering hands of a ministering angel, revealing to him the delicate hidden joy of beauty of which he had almost lost sight in his painful hurrying to some appointed end.

He had the look, to general perception, of a man but half-escaped: and as when the notes of things taken by the vision in front are being set down upon tablets in the head behind. Victor observed his look at Nataly. The look was like a door aswing, revealing in concealing.

"Miss Minot," said Jennie, advancing farther into the room and thus revealing her companion, "this is Miss Minturn, who is to room with you. Prof. Seabrook sent me to show her here and to introduce her to you." Miss Minot sprang to her feet and came forward with outstretched hand, her manner characterized by true Southern hospitality.

She had become slightly stout, revealing, as time went on, no wrinkles a proof that the union was founded on something more enduring than poetry: Statesmanship that was the secret!

I probably led him into making that slip with Jerry, identifying the curve. By giving him the impression that any boy his age would know far more chemistry, math and physics than is actually the case, I tripped him into revealing that he himself knows a very great deal about them. Perhaps more than I do.

At the beginning of each act, the leader of the singers, the village schoolmaster, comes forth from the chorus, and the curtain parts, revealing a tableau illustrative of the coming scenes. These tableaux, some thirty or forty in number, are taken from scenes in the Old Testament which are supposed to prefigure acts in the life of Christ.

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