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Oh, I wondah," she cried, her face lighting up with the thought. "I wondah if Mrs. Crisp would mind if I'd come down to-morrow and cook dinnah for them. That's what I've been crazy to do, to cook. I could bring eggs and sugah and all the materials, and make lemon pie and oystah soup and potato croquettes. I know how to make lots of things. Oh, do you suppose she would be offended?"

I am a CATHOLIQUE, you is a SCHISMATIQUE; you thing it is wrong to dring some coffee well, then, it IS wrong; you thing it is wrong to make the sugah to ged the so large price well, then, it IS wrong; I thing it is right well, then, it IS right; it is all 'abit; c'est tout. What a man thing is right, IS RIGHT; 'tis all 'abit.

You can strike me dead if thad baril sugah din fedge the more high cost than any other in the city. Parce-que, the man what buy that baril sugah he make a mistake of one hundred pound" falling back "Mais certainlee!" "And you think that was growin' out of the holy-water?" asked the parson. "Mais, what could make it else?

You know my papa he hown a sugah-plantation, you know. 'Jules, me son, he say one time to me, 'I goin' to make one baril sugah to fedge the moze high price in New Orleans. Well, he take his bez baril sugah I nevah see a so careful man like me papa always to make a so beautiful sugah et sirop.

You can strike me dead if thad baril sugah din fedge the more high cost than any other in the city. Parce-que, the man what buy that baril sugah he make a mistake of one hundred pound " falling back "Mais certainlee!" "And you think that was growin' out of the holy-water?" asked the parson. "Mais, what could make it else?

"No, sah; in her room, sah," his voice low. "De Captain, he unlock de doah, an' then lock it agin. He say she done gone crazy, but Lor' she don't look dat-a-way to me. You like sugah in your coffee, sah?" In spite of the seeming geniality of the steward, and his eagerness now to question me, I realized that he was thoroughly dominated by personal fear of the man aft.

"Well, achora," he proceeded, "if ever you happen to be hard set, either for yourself or your friends, send for me, in Widow Hanlon's house at the Grange, an' maybe I may befriend either you or them; that is, as far as I can which, dear knows, is not far; but, still an' all, send. I'm known as the Cannie Sugah, or Merry Pedlar, an' that'll do. God mark you, ahagur!"

De black-snake love' de blackbird' nes', De baby love' his mamy's bres', An' raggy-tag, aw spick-an'-span, De ladies loves de ladies' man. I loves to roll my eyes to de ladies! I loves to sympathize wid de ladies! As long as eveh I knows sugah f'om san' I's bound to be a ladies' man.

Certainly the captivating voice, with its unkempt melody, and its throbbing, skipping, harum-scarum banjo accompaniment, was all that broke the silence of the place. His song was: "DE SASSAFRAS BLOOM "Dey's sugah in de win' when de sassafras bloom, When de little co'n fluttah in de row, When de robin in de tree, like er young gal in de loom, Sing sweet, sing sof', sing low.

Ef you don't look sharp, nary a step do you go to the sugah-camp ter-morrow, an' nary a mouthful o' thet maple sugah shell you hev." It was an unwritten law of the community that whenever a farm was opened up, a house should be immediately built upon it. In fact, a man was not considered to have positive possession of his land until a house of some description was erected thereon.