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Of course there's not much of a pop'lation in them parts, I've heerd; but there's Heskimos, and where one man can live so can another, and what one man can do so can another that's bin my hexperience, and I'm not ashamed to hown it, I'm not, though I do say it as shouldn't, and I honour you, sir, for your filleral detarmination to find your father, sir, and "

Where?" said Billy. "Vhere?" repeated the queer little man. "If I vos to tell you vhere, Billy, your hingenuity vouldn't be drored out. Von o' the uses of hexperience, Billy, is to dror hout the hingenuity. You're lookin' summat doleful, Billy. Cheer hup, me boy, cheer hup! I'd like to inwite you to this 'ere feast, but there's honly von 'elp o' cheese left, an' honly von svaller of beer.

Of course there's not much of a pop'lation in them parts, I've heer'd; but there's Heskimos, and where one man can live, so can another, and what one man can do, so can another that's bin my hexperience, and I'm not ashamed to hown it, I'm not, though I do say it as shouldn't, and I honour you, sir, for your filleral detarmination to find your father, sir, and "

With the full force of this valuable interposition he had not a doubt but that the peace and harmony of the world would again be restored. Whenever they evinced want of hexperience, his knowledge of hintricate questions and mystifying diplomacy should always be at their disposal. "This compliment, as the vulgar say, took Plum all aback.

"Well, sir, he writes an uncommonly clean fist, and then he's a born horator. He's up to all the parli'mentary dodges. Must 'ave 'ad no end of hexperience in them sort of things on the other side." "No doubt, and that accounts for him being over here." "As for horganizing a meeting, sir" "I know.