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Lord Bullfrog's man was a ridin' of him, and he kept him outside the crowd, showin' off his pints, and passin' him backwards and forwards under people's noses, to 'tract the notish of the nobs parsecutin, what I call and I see'd Mr. Sponge struck I've known Mr. Sponge many years, and a 'ticklar nice gent he is well, Mr. Sponge pulled hup, and said to the grum, "Who's o' that oss?"

Beneath the royal yard, Stubbins halted, and looked down to me. "Hurry hup ... with ther ... lantern ... Jessop!" he shouted, catching his breath between the words. "There'll be ... murder done ... hin a minute!" I reached him, and held the light up for him to catch. He stooped, and took it from me. Then, holding it above his head, he went a few ratlines higher.

George obeys and grins. "Now then, once more, with will ho! hi! hup!" Father strains at the lever, which, not having been properly fixed, slips, and he finds himself suddenly in a sitting posture, with the water round his waist.

It dawned upon her, after nearly an hour's severe study, it dawned upon her just as Jenny's impatient tap came to the door, and her still more impatient voice exclaimed "Time's hup I'm going hawking." Bet felt herself turning cold and hot, as the meaning of Will's words seemed to scathe and burn her brain.

If the ass could have spoken Latin he would have said, "/Et tu, Brute!/" As it was, he hung down his ears, and walked on. "Gee hup," said the tinker, and he followed the ass. Then stopping, he looked over his shoulder, and seeing that the parson's eyes were gazing mournfully on his /protege/, "Never fear, your reverence," cried the tinker, kindly, "I'll not spite 'un."

Spicture comes back" thus Dolly "she shall set in her own chair wiv scushions, and she shall set in her own chair wiv a 'igh hup bact, and she shall set in her own chair wiv...." Here came a pause, due to inanition of distinctive features. Dolly's style was disfigured by vain repetitions, beyond a doubt. "When old Mrs.

"I was meditating," said Mr. Brimberly, busied with the bottles and glasses, "I was cogitating calling hup Mr. Jenkins, the Stanways' butler across the way. The Stanways is common people, parvynoo, Mr. Stevens, parvynoo, but Mr. Jenkins is very superior and plays the banjer very affecting.

"Pull out that table, Mack; and you, there, bear a 'and to 'elp 'im, 'Enery. Set hup the little chair, Williams! Easy with Saint Paul, you, Tommy, or you'll crack him sure and lay the whole caboodlum on the shelf, hout of 'arm's way! Lively, lads lively!" Bob lifted Daisy in his arms, and carrying her to the table, installed her comfortably in the little chair.

Sponge who was drawing near to hear, 'find us a fox that'll give us five and forty minnits! the speaker inwardly hoping they might chop their bagman in cover. 'Y-o-o-icks! rout him out! continued he, getting more energetic. 'Y-o-o-icks! wind him! Y-o-o-icks! stir us hup a teaser! 'No go, I think, observed George Cheek, ambling up on his leggy weed.

Occasionally, to vary the monotony, some joke would be passed around, and once a man who was above called out to those below, imitating the English pronunciation: "I say, Jim, come 'hup 'ere! 'ere's some of Macready's hangels 'haint they sweet 'uns?"