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But, dere is too much stealin' going on here, and you and I, Missus, must be more ticklar. You is too dulgent altogether. "'I didn't mean that, Sorrow, she said, 'I don't mean stealin'. "'Well, Missus, I's glad to hear dat, if you will let me ab permission den, I will drink you good helf. "'Why didn't you do it half an hour ago? she said.

'Why, now, as to the matter of that, replied the gentleman, gathering all the loose silver up into his hand and speaking very slowly, just as a country gentleman, who has all the live-long day to do nothing in, may be supposed to speak Why, now, as to the matter of that, said he, eyeing Pacey intently, and beginning to drop the silver slowly as he spoke, 'I can't say that I've any very 'ticklar 'quaintance with the captin.

Lord Bullfrog's man was a ridin' of him, and he kept him outside the crowd, showin' off his pints, and passin' him backwards and forwards under people's noses, to 'tract the notish of the nobs parsecutin, what I call and I see'd Mr. Sponge struck I've known Mr. Sponge many years, and a 'ticklar nice gent he is well, Mr. Sponge pulled hup, and said to the grum, "Who's o' that oss?"

Den de ole debbil-sarpint, he scratch he head, an' he say to hese'f: 'Dis yer Ebe, she pow'ful 'ticklar 'bout her apples. Reckin I'll have ter wait till after fros', an' fotch her a real good one. An' he done wait till after fros', and then he fotch her a' Albemarle pippin, an' when she took one bite ob dat, she jus' go 'long an' eat it all up, core, seeds, an' all.

So take off dat bar skin, an' come 'long wid me. So you see Brudder Gran'son," continued 'Bijah, "dar's dif'rent kinds ob truf, an' you's got ter be mighty 'ticklar wot kind you sticks ter." "Git up," said Grandison to his drowsy horse, as he started him on another furrow. "Well, sir," said old Peter, as he came out on the porch with his pipe, "so you came here to go fishin'?"

Well, I was down there just at the beginnin' of the season, the 'ounds met at Kirby Gate a mile or two to the south, you know, on the Leicester road it was the fust day of the season, in fact and there was a great crowd, and I was one; and havin' a heye for an oss, I was struck with this one, you understand, bein' as I thought, a 'ticklar nice 'un.

Den de ole debbil-sarpint, he scratch he head, an' he say to hese'f: 'Dis yer Ebe, she pow'ful 'ticklar 'bout her apples. Reckin I'll have ter wait till after fros', an' fotch her a real good one, An' he done wait till after fros', and then he fotch her a' Albemarle pippin, an' when she took one bite ob dat, she jus' go 'long an' eat it all up, core, seeds, an' all.

Then they returned to the carcass of the bull, and cut off a large quantity of meat, using the cutlass as well as their clasp-knives in the operation. "Cut the meat in thin slices," said Mark Breezy, when they began this work. "Why you so 'ticklar, massa?" asked Ebony. "I's fond o' t'ick slices w'en him's not too tough."