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"En revenant vers Elbingerode, nous retrouvâmes ces schistes, qui paroissent au travers des marbres: ils sont donc la continuation de la masse schisteuse

The old waiter was just a-going to blurt out, "Mais ce n'est pas!" when Toinette stops him, and says, "Laissez donc passer ces messieurs, vieux bete;" and in they walk, the 2 jon d'arms taking their post in the hall. Master throws open the salong doar very gravely, and touching MY hat says, "Have you any orders about the cab, sir?" "Why, no, Chawls," says I; "I shan't drive out to-day."

"What can I do for you?" said the woman; "I will do all in my power; but, alas! you will march from here in two or three days." "Never mind," replied O'Brien, "we will talk the matter over by-and-by, but at present only oblige us by letting us remain in this little room; we do not wish to be seen." "Comment donc! you a conscript, and not wish to be seen! Are you, then, intending to desert?"

'Upstairs is his Excellency asleep; Excellency's room is to right, do you remember; or to left' 'Pshaw, we shall find it! The Pandours mount; find a bedroom, break it open, some fifteen or sixteen of them, and one who knows a little French; come crowding forward: to the horror and terror of the poor inhabitant. 'QUE VOULEZ-VOUS DONC? 'His Excellency Valori! 'Well, no violence; I am your prisoner: let me dress! answers the supposed Excellency, and contrives to secrete portfolios, and tear or make away with papers.

At first he was uncertain whether it WAS a track at all, and in fact, he said to Pierre, 'QU'EST QUE C'EST DONC, MON AMI? What is that, my friend? 'Ou, MONSIEUR! said Pierre 'Where, sir? La! there! said our bore. 'MONSIEUR, CE N'EST RIEN DE TOUT sir, it's nothing at all, said Pierre. 'ALLONS! Make haste. What a valley!

Very much the contrary. None of them could pass within range of her eyes and tongue without a greeting and an invitation to talk. "Tiens donc, Nancie, ma petite!" she would cry, at sight of Nance. "What a hurry you are in. It is hurry and scurry and bustle from morning till night with you over there. The hens?

Madame enchants me; I can forgive that royal minx her most serious offences; I can thrill and soften with the King on that memorable occasion when he goes to upbraid and remains to flirt; and when it comes to the "ALLONS, AIMEZ-MOI DONC," it is my heart that melts in the bosom of de Guiche. Not so with Louise.

The last line is, "Quelle est donc cette femme?" et ne comprenda pas." "The music of that is not my father's best but you ask it, yes." Then she began, first playing after her own heart little dancing airs, gay and fantastic, and at last slid into a plaintive strain, and recited the accompaniment of rhythmic words.

Besides, 'la belle danse donne du brillant a un jeune homme'. And you should endeavor to shine. A calm serenity, negative merit and graces, do not become your age. You should be 'alerte, adroit, vif'; be wanted, talked of, impatiently expected, and unwillingly parted with in company. I should be glad to hear half a dozen women of fashion say, 'Ou est donc le petit Stanhope? due ne vient-il?

I selected Sylvie as my informant, because from her I knew that I should at least get a sensible answer, unaccompanied by wriggle, titter, or other flourish of folly. "Ou donc est Mdlle. Henri?" I said one day as I returned an exercise-book I had been examining. "Elle est partie, monsieur." "Partie? et pour combien de temps? Quand reviendra-t-elle?"