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I excused him by saying that I supposed some one had warned him to fly from the wrath to come, meaning that he had conceptions of an ideal world and was trying to get into it. The Beauties of Nature A man told me that at some Swiss hotel he had been speaking enthusiastically about the beauty of the scenery to a Frenchman who said to him: "Aimez-vous donc les beautes de la nature?

I inflicted my French on my chums at meals, on defenseless drivers of 'buses who could not rise and go away, and on the Blessed Damozel, who said: "Va donc, cherches-toi une fille. C'est la seule manière d'apprendre le Français." I was vaguely thrilled by this idea, the more because so far in my life I had had no experience of the kind.

M. Dubois replied, that when it was officially incumbent on him to explain himself, he would do so, but that he did not think the club a place for such discussions, or something to this purpose. "Tu prevariques donc!

Oh, to be back in Paris, her home, where she had lived with him, where every stick and stone was dear to her because of him! Then, glancing up at the clock, with an abrupt change of key, 'Mais allons donc, paresseux! You must take me to see the camarades. You must take me to see Chalks.

Are you not sorry that your money should be going so quickly?" "No. The quicker it goes the better." "Mais sais-tu-mais dis donc, are you really rich? Mais sais-tu, you have too much contempt for money. Qu'est-ce que tu feras apres, dis donc?" "Apres I shall go to Homburg, and win another hundred thousand francs." "Oui, oui, c'est ca, c'est magnifique!

Emilia checked her tears. His hand being raised to beat time, she could not withstand the signal. "Sempre;" there came two struggling notes, to which another clung, shuddering like two creatures on the deeps. She stopped; herself oddly calling out "Stop." "Stop who, donc?" Mr. Pericles postured an indignant interrogation. "I mean, I must stop," Emilia faltered. "It's the fog.

Oh, my dear!" He kissed his fingers, and wafted the kiss to the sky. "Eyes! Imagine twin moons rising over a tropical " "Allons donc," Anthony repressed him. "Contain yourself. Where is Madame Torrebianca's husband?" "Ah," said Adrian, with a sudden lapse of tone. "Where is Madame Torrebianca's husband? That's the question. Where?" And he winked suggestively. "How can I tell you where he is?

You would not be very sorry if I were to die! Parbleu, if you want to poison me, you should tempt me with brandy or champagne. Have you neither of those to offer me?" Lettice had drawn back at the first hint of this insinuation, with a look of irrepressible disgust. She answered coldly, "I have neither brandy nor champagne to give you." "Allons, donc!

It is a little slatternly it is a good deal stained it isn't becoming it smells of cigar-smoke; but, allons donc! let the world call me idle and sloven. I love my ease better than my neighbor's opinion. I live to please myself; not you, Mr. Dandy, with your supercilious airs. I am a philosopher.

The man's sincere devotion to both of them was obvious. "Madame Patou..." I began one day, at lunch we were talking of the tyranny of fashion, even in the idyllic lands where ladies are fully dressed in teeth necklaces and yellow ochre "Madame Patou..." She threw up her hands. We were lunching very well the petit vin of Auvergne is delicious "Mais voyons donc why all this ceremony among friends?