United States or Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Madame enchants me; I can forgive that royal minx her most serious offences; I can thrill and soften with the King on that memorable occasion when he goes to upbraid and remains to flirt; and when it comes to the "Allons, aimez-moi donc," it is my heart that melts in the bosom of de Guiche. Not so with Louise.

Let us try something less difficult, and yet something where we may still have her in this her beloved world of "simplicity, and sky, and fields and trees, and peasant life, peasant life looked at, by preference, on its good and sound side." Voyez donc la simplicité, vous autres, voyez le ciel et les champs, et les arbres, et les paysans, surtout dans ce qu'ils ont de bon et de vrai.

'What do you say, Mother? said Vera, as if resuming a conversation. 'Shall it be Hampton Court or Richmond on Sunday? 'I say, as I said before, replied Beatrice: 'I cannot afford to go out. 'But you must begin, my dear, and Sunday shall see the beginning. Dites donc! 'There are other things to think of, said Beatrice. 'Now, maman, nous avons change tout cela!

The midnight sun no longer shone at midnight; his face smiled with a sobered serenity through the faint early mists of approaching morning. "Viens donc je te chanterai des chansons que les esprits des cimetieres m'ont apprises!" "Baffled!" he exclaimed, with a slight vexed laugh, as the boat vanished from his sight. "By a woman, too! Who would have thought it?" Who would have thought it, indeed!

I heard her mutter more than once; and at last, as if determined to have an answer to her question which hitherto none seemed to mind, she spoke aloud this phrase a phrase brief enough, simple enough, but it sent a shock through me "Messieurs et mesdames," said she, "ou donc est Justine Marie?" "Justine Marie!" What was this? Justine Marie the dead nun where was she?

"A laquelle donc des deux doit on compâtir Madame ou Mademoiselle?" Yet he did not like Keene the worse for the impatient gesture with which the latter shook himself loose, muttering, "Je vous croyais trop sage, M. le Vicomte, pour vous amuser avec ces balivernes de romancier."

And this is the way M. Flourens extinguishes natural selection: "Voyons donc encore une fois, ce qu'il peut y avoir de fonde dans ce qu'on nomme election naturelle. "L'election naturelle n'est sous un autre nom que la nature. Pour un etre organise, la nature n'est que l'organisation, ni plus ni moins.

"C'est demain qu'on me tue; n'êtes-vous donc qu'un lache?" As the universe, which at once creates and destroys life, is a complex of infinitely varying forces, history can never repeat itself. It is vain, therefore, to look in the future for some paraphrase of the past.

That will never happen. Voyez-vous donc cherie, I am their King, their prophet, their anointed, their fat priests acknowledge me, their women adore me!" Cecilia shrunk together as she listened. She had sought and she had not found, she had expected and it had been denied her. At this moment, the turnkey signified that time was up.

Heaven and earth swam before my eyes as we reached the Pons Sublicia, and heard the tawny waters of Tiber swaying to the sea. With an oath of despair, for life is sweet, I rammed my persuaders into Atys, caught him by the head, and sent him straight at the flooded Tiber! "Va-t-en donc, espece de type!" said the girl on my saddle-bow, finding her tongue at last.