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He owned up he vas new, an' vanted some vun vhat knew to tell him vhat vas goin' on. 'Course I could do it. Me an' my vife give him addresses an' a lot of items. He vorked 'em up good. Dot up-town page is gettin' first-rate. He says he don' know vhat he'd have done if he hadn't turned up here dot day." Tembarom, having "caught on" to his fault of style, applied himself with vigor to elimination.

To my surprisement der Herr Director tells me I can retire on a pension; I am too old unt he has hired a younger man, who iss Herr Gabert. I go home bewildered unt mishappy, to find that Herr Gabert has stole the score of mine opera unt run avay mit mine vife. Vot I can do? Nothing. Herr Gabert he lead my orchestra tint all der people applauds him. I am forgot.

"Do you know what dat man has been?" he demanded, shaking a trembling finger towards Bunker's house, "he has been everything but an honest man a faro-dealer, a crook, a gambler! He vas nothing a bum when his vife heard about him and come here from Boston to marry him! Dey vas boy-und-girl sveetheart, you know.

His vife she needed a change as much as he, vat with not being able to get into any good hotels in the summer time and not being able to keep out of them in the vinter time, she vas nearly distracted. No, I vas selfish. My vife she vas selfish too, and him her own brother. Vy shouldn't he haf a vacation vonce in awhile?" He turned abruptly to the sailor who lounged near the perspiring Percival.

"I'm thinking of transferring our account to your bank, Mr. Landover. We've been banking with " "I vas telling my vife at lunch," broke in Mr. Block, twitching his Hebraic nose emphatically, "not that we could eat any lunch, by gracious, no! I vas telling her I bet my boots dere ain't enough life-boats to get as much as half of us off safe in case something happens.

Tell me the worst, or I will tear you to pieces with my hands and teeth. You have seen that I can do it!" A look of wide-eyed surprise overspread Anderssen's face. "Why," he whispered, "Ay did not hurt them. Ay tried to save them from that Russian. Your vife was kind to me on the Kincaid, and Ay hear that little baby cry sometimes.

I don't hear from my vife und I don't hear from my son. Und my liddle vun iss dead. Und so I lose my fine house und the horses und everyding. "Preddy soon I got no job even und preddy soon I am almost a bum. I hang around saloons und drink beer und do noding but spend a little money I pick up now un den by doing liddle jobs. Ah, now I have it. It vas de liddle spring. See? Zo.

But Bertha, an undistinguishable heap on the floor of the unlit room, only gasped brokenly for breath and wept on. "Ach, ach, ach, lieber Gott in Himmel!" sobbed Bertha. "Why didn't Toby come for me? Ach, ach! What iss happened mit Toby? Somedings iss happened I know ut!" "Ya, ya!" jibed Gratz; "somedings iss heppened, I bet you! Brop'ly he's got anoder vife, dod's vot heppened!

Holding up three stumps where fingers should have been, he cried out, choking with tears: "My vriends, for vifteen years I vorked at making brooms me und my vife from fife in the morning until six at night, und I loose mine fingern trying to save enough money to puy a house that we could call our own. Then when we saved eight hundred dollars this man come to us und sold us a lot.

Old Tony Weller does not tell his shrewish wife that she is already a white-winged angel; he speaks to her with an admirable good nature and good sense: "'Susan, I says, 'you've been a wery good vife to me altogether: keep a good heart, my dear, and you'll live to see me punch that 'ere Stiggins's 'ead yet. She smiled at this, Samivel ... but she died arter all."