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One day I see our king compliment Herr Gabert. He produces my opera unt say he compositioned it. Eferybody iss crazy aboud id, unt crown Herr Gabert mit flowers. My vife sings in der opera. The people cheer her unt she rides avay mit Herr Gabert in his carriage to a grand supper mit der nobility unt der Herr Director. "I go home unt say: 'Who am I? I answer: 'Nobody! Am I now great?

Why don't you move a little so that this tired woman may have a seat?" For a moment the German looked dazed. Then a broad smile spread over his countenance as he answered: "Say, dot's a joke on you, all right! Dot's my vife!" In view of the spirit of comradeship shown between officers and men, this story is at least open to question, but it may have happened in some former war.

First vun ding und den anoder ding. Und preddy soon you have nodings. "I tried to find my vife, but she vas hiding from me. Perhaps I vas hard headed in dem days. Ven you are young you are like dat. Now id is diff'rend. She iss dead und I am alive. Und if she had been my vife righd along she vould still be dead now. Alzo vat matter does it make? "Dat vas maybe tventy years ago or maybe more.

So soon he came in our kitchen yesterday my vife she knew him; she wait till I get home. Ve came ven it vas yet dark to let you know vot man vas in your house." Farmer Weitbreck and his son exchanged glances; each was too shocked to speak. Mr. and Mrs. Dietman looked from one to the other in bewilderment. "Maype you tink ve speak not truth," Hans continued.

I would not believe that a woman who served us faithfully for years could be so wicked. That doubt has been my ruin. . . . How much did the eight pictures fetch?" "Vife tausend vrancs." "Good heavens! they were worth twenty times as much!" cried Pons; "the gems of the collection!

"Dis lady," he said, laying his hand on Aunt Phoebe's, "has promised to be mein vife." Hinpoha dropped her plate in her surprise. "Aunt Phoebe!" she cried, incredulously, throwing her arms around her. Then her face fell. "You are going away and leave me?" she asked anxiously. "No, dear," answered Aunt Phoebe, "the Doctor is going to make his home here and we will keep you with us always."

"Just du Tillet himself summed up in a word!" cried Couture. "'Those that do not know her may think her plain, pursued du Tillet, 'but she has character, I admit. "'Und ein herz, dot is the pest of die pizness, mein der poy; she vould make you an indelligent und defoted vife.

He's a malicious, bad-disposed, vorldly-minded, windictive creetur wot's put me in, with a hard heart as there ain't no soft'nin', as the wirtuous clergyman remarked of the old gen'l'm'n with a dropsy, ven he said that upon the whole he thought he'd rather leave his property to his vife than build a chapel with it." In vain Mr. Pickwick remonstrated.

'less-n it's your vife. Vot she want to come down for? Don't I takin' koot care you?" There was a tear in her eye as she went out. An hour or so later the little rector dropped in. "Richling, I came to see if I did any damage the last time I was here. My own words worried me." "You were afraid," responded Richling, "that I would understand you to recommend me to send for my wife." "Yes."

"You see, it is not pleasant to be blown up eizer by the terrestrial eruptions of zee vorld or zee celestial explosions of your vife. A leetle more rice, Moses if you please. Zanks." "Now, mine fronds," he continued, after having disposed of a supper which it might have taxed a volcano's throat to swallow, "it is viz great sorrow zat I must part from you here." "Part!