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I vill keep you in Guatemala vhile I send for her, and dthen ve go to Peru, to Ceylon anyvhere you like but America. I write Madame Steele you air my vife, and she vill soon zee ve air not to be find; she vill go back to New York. It ees no use dthat you cry out, no von hear, or if von do, you spik no Spanish, and I haf my pistol if any interfere. I tell you so much dthat you make no meestake.

Von Sunday night I say I go home and take my vife and my cheeldon and I go to t'eater. Ven I go to put de key into de door here comes a customer een, and I sell 'eem tventy-fife tollars feeften tollars brofit. I vould haf lostet dot feeften tollars and vat I vould haf paid to go to t'eater eef I had closed op. "'Besides, here at dis place all de family helps.

About eleven o'clock my master entered, and asked if his wife was gone to sleep: upon which I told him, my mistress went out in the afternoon, and was not yet returned. This was like a clap of thunder to the poor apothecary, who starting back, cried, "Mort de ma vie! vat you tell a me? My vife not at home!"

Dees time here der vater come again till I vish it vas last year vonce! Unt now all I safe is my vife, unt my son his vife, unt my leedle grandchilderns! Else everding is gone! All everyding! Der house gone unt unt der morgage gone, too!"

She could not see his face, but his voice was more than conciliatory. "Eggscoose me, lady!" he began apologetically. "I haf for Mis' Slawson a liddle bresent here. I tink she like it. She look so goot-netchered, und I know she iss kind to bum animals. My vife, her Maltee cat vas having some liddle kittens already, a mont' ago. I tink Mis' Slawson, she lige to hef von off dem pussies, ja?

"If ta torter ish like ta fader, sho quarrelsome, t'man what gets her for a vife don't lives in t'house mit her," Hanz would always conclude. Young as Tite was, he began to look on the matter seriously. The whaling voyage was still exciting his ambition, however, and he began to enquire of every one he thought likely to know, when the people of Hudson would send their first ship to the South Sea.

Vell, sat is vun sing se preacher forget to say May be he haf not se time, but I sink he forget: sat sare is no hussbandt in se whole vorldt and also sare is no vife so sp' spirit' spirited? no? Ah, yes spiritual! yes, sank you. Vhen I catch me a bigk vord I am so proudt, yet, as I hadt a fish caught!" I was willing to believe it, but thought how still more true it was of Mrs. Fontenette.

Ay got a vife an' kid for my own by Christiania an' Ay couldn't bear for to see them separated an' in Rokoff's hands any more. That vas all. Do Ay look like Ay ban here to hurt them?" he continued after a pause, pointing to the arrow protruding from his breast. There was something in the man's tone and expression that convinced Tarzan of the truth of his assertions.

Undt you mus' ugscooce me, Toctor, to callin' on you, ovver I vish you come undt see mine" To the surprise of all, tears gushed from his eyes. "Mine poor vife, Toctor!" He turned to one side, pointed his broad hand toward the floor, and smote his forehead.

But my vife, she is always jesting and dragging me by the how do you call it the beard! And laughing and larking...." His little narrow eyes wrinkled up into a wry smile: "Ah, the larking vench!"