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Not the one who rides the donkey and tells such funny stories?" "Oh, yaw," declared the musician in a matter-of-fact way. Andy was naturally surprised. He could hardly realize that the person he was looking at could ever make up as the mirth-provoking genius who was the life and fun of the big circus ring. "Poor Billy!" said Hans, shaking his head solemnly. "First his vife falls from a horse.

"Here, my little vife, my only vife," said the banker gleefully, his face radiant with happiness. "Here is enough money to pay for your keep for de rest of your days." Esther took the paper without the slightest excitement, folded it up, and put it in her dressing-table drawer.

Vat a fool I vas to make this trip ven the whole ocean is full of submarines and German agents and plotters and Yes, vat a fool ven I had so many high-priced men vorking for me who vas crazy to come. But my vife she vould do it. Paris and London every year it used to be, so she must haf a little holiday or she vill die, she say. Veil, here we are.

The Swede, smiling, shook his head. "You go on an' look for the vife an' kid," he said. "Ay ban as gude as dead already; but" he hesitated "Ay hate to think of the hyenas. Von't you finish up this job?" Tarzan shuddered. A moment ago he had been upon the point of killing this man. Now he could no more have taken his life than he could have taken the life of any of his best friends.

The Baron was happy; and that is to say that his laughter re-echoed from the shining mirrors, his tongue was loosed, his heart expanded, his glass seemed ever empty. "Ach, how to make zis joie de vivre to last beyond to-night!" he cried. "May ze Teufel fly off mit of offeecial duties and receptions and and even mit my vife for a few days." "My dear Baron!"

"You see, it is not pleasant to be blown up eizer by the terrestrial eruptions of zee vorld or zee celestial explosions of your vife. A leetle more rice, Moses if you please. Zanks." "Now, mine fronds," he continued, after having disposed of a supper which it might have taxed a volcano's throat to swallow, "it is viz great sorrow zat I must part from you here." "Part!

He's all right ven he's soper. Only it preaks my heart ven he vips me, und I don't deserve it." "Breaks your heart? It ain't your heart I'm worryin' about. If he don't break your bones you're in luck!" "Und I try to pe a goot vife to him. I tend him hand und foot." "Ye-es, I know you do," returned Martha dryly. "But suppose you just try the foot in the future. See how it works."

We do not venture to write down what he said, but when he had said it the blank look of the elderly lady and the peculiar look of the girl induced him to repeat the speech in his broken his very much broken French, whereupon the old gentleman turned to him gravely and said "My vife is Engleesh, an' my datter is Danish no, not joost vell, she is 'af-an'-'af. Speak to dem in your nattif tong."

Mercedes straightened up quickly, her young, expressive face filled with a new passion, which struggled almost vainly for utterance through her lips. "Go back to dat man!" she panted. "Me? Sapristi! and you tink I do dat after Señor Brown ask me be hees vife! Blessed Mary! vat you tink I am? You tink I not feel, not care? I go back to dat Farnham? Eet vould not be, no! no!

"Perhaps I'd say that you pronounce virtue so well, and act it so sincerely, that I can't make any objection to your other words. If you'd asked me to be your vife, Bill, I might have said I didn't understand; but wife I do understand, and I say" She nodded, and tried to skate off. Bill stuck close to her side. "Is this true, Belle?" he said, almost doubtfully. "True as truth!"