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Cameron rolled over and came close against the little half-breed, bound as he was himself. Again came the "hist!" "Me all lak' youse'f," said Jerry. "No spik any. Look out front." The Indian on guard was eagerly looking and listening to what was going on before him beside the fire. At one side of the circle sat the Indians in council. Copperhead was standing and speaking to them.

Here all spik Angleesh, c'est a dire, ze personnel; ze sairvants do spik, plus ou moins, a little. I am happy to have you comme pensionnaires " "Madame," began Dr. Byram, but was cut short again. "Ah, yess, I know, ah! mon Dieu! you do not spik Frainch but you have come to lairne! My husband does spik Frainch wiss ze pensionnaires.

At sight of it he would lift his lip faintly in token that he understood, and Leclere would lift his own lip in an answering grin. One day the missionary took note of the trick. "Bless me!" he said. "I really believe the brute comprehends." Leclere laughed softly. "Look you, mon pere. Dat w'at Ah now spik, to dat does he lissen."

Russian, in which he was born, and French, and German, and Italian, of course, he knows, but Polish, Ruthenian, and all varieties of Ukranian speech are alike known to him. "I spik all European language good, jus' same Angleesh," was his testimony in regard to himself.

What business you got, Luis Rojas?" "No don' spik names, me!" The figure was seen to throw out an imploring hand. "Moch troubles, yoh bet! Yoh come now somebodys she wait in dam-hurry!" Annie-Many-Ponies, with her fingers still closed upon the bone handle of her sharp-edged knife, thought swiftly.

Then he replied in a strange outlandish tongue that was, as a matter of fact, Czech. He ended suddenly at the sight of Bert's blank face with "Don't spik English." "Oh!" said Bert. He reflected gravely for a moment, and then went his way. "Thenks," he, said as an afterthought.

"It is no use for them to work for wages that starve. We win the strike, we get good wages for all. Here comes another she is a Jewess you try, you spik." Janet failed with the Jewess, who obstinately refused to listen or reply as the two walked along with her, one on either side. Near West Street they spied a policeman, and desisted.

Ranald stood looking at him for a few moments in silence when he finished; then he said slowly and distinctly, "My father told me to say that he forgave you everything, and that he prayed the mercy of God for you, and," added Ranald, more slowly, "I forgive you too." The Frenchman listened in wonder, greatly moved, but he could only reiterate his words: "I cannot spik what I feel here."

It mak' me sing inside; it mak' me warm an' glad. I w'isper in her ear, 'Ma soeur! Ma petite soeur! It's your beeg broder 'Poleon dat spik. He's goin' mak' you well, an' every tam she onderstan'. But now " A sob choked the speaker; he opened his tight-shut eyes and stared miserably at the two old men. "I call to her an' she don' hear. Wat I'm goin' do, eh?" Neither Linton nor Quirk made reply.

"I will speak as it please me. Who are you? What do I care? To hang me that is your business; but, for the rest, you spik to me differen'. Who are you? Your father kep' a tavern for thieves, vous savez bien!" It was true that the Sheriff's father had had no savoury reputation in the West.