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Updated: January 25, 2025
Beeg Chief know me Pinault." The little man drew himself up. "All right! Wait!" replied the orderly, and passed into the shack. He had hardly disappeared when he was back again, obviously shaken out of his correct military form. "Go in!" he said sharply. "Get a move on! What are you waiting for?"
Then: "Baby better now?" Meester would ask, interestedly. "That beeg doctor, he oil heem an' make heem well all right." After awhile: "I mebbe go now, Meester." "Good-night," said the host, briefly. At the door the Pole would turn, and look back, with the wistfully animal look of the Under Dog. "Those cheeldren, they make to get you the leetle bug. You mebbe like that, Meester, yes?
The Frenchman curled his upper lip back from his teeth and shook his head at the remembrance. "Jesu, dat's 'orrible sight! Dem fly is drive 'im crazee. Hees nose an' ears is look lak' holes in beeg red sponge, an' hees eye are close up tight." "He died before you got him in, didn't he?" "Yes. He was good man, too.
No, I'm t'ink 'bout her all de tarn'. She's li'l' gal, an' I'm beeg, strong feller w'at don' matter much an' w'at ain' know much 'cept singin', an' lovin' her. I'm see for sure now dat I ain' fit for her I'm beeg, rough, fightin' feller w'at can't read, an' she's de beam of sunlight w'at blin' my eyes."
And leetle mans keek beeg mans, an' him cry like, vot you call ah! vot you call ze kid. And leetle mans keek an' keek an' keek, an' bime by, long time, long way, keek beeg mans into my cabin. Tree days 'fore him crawl out my blankets. Nevaire I see beeg squaw like him. No nevaire. Him haf vot you call ze streak of fat. You bet." "But there was Axel Gunderson," Prince spoke up.
You get me my divorce; let me marry Ma'amselle Pauline, live with her at the beeg house, and I'll promise parole d'honneur, m'sieu to see no more that man." "The Manor House! It will be a long time before any one can live there, I should think!" said Ringfield impatiently, concealing the spasm of tortured pride that passed over him as he heard Poussette's tactics defined.
He glanced rapidly to right and left, then slipped a small object into the stranger's hand. "Bâ, I t'ink does ole man is know dat. I t'ink he kip you here till tam w'en dose perdrix and duck is all grow up beeg' nuff so he can fly." "I'm not watched," said the young man in eager tones; "I'll slip away to-night." "Dat no good," objected Picard. "W'at you do?
Benoit let his eye run critically over the line of his person. "Bon! Dat's true, for sure. In tree, four mont I mak de beeg spark on de girl, me." "You bet, Benny!" cried the axeman. "You'll break 'em all up." "Sure ting!" cried Benny, catching up a coal for his pipe. "By by, Cameron. Au revoir. I go for tak some more slice from my porsch." "Good-bye, Benny," cried Cameron.
By this time he was fifteen yards behind and losing at every step. He had wasted too much breath on oratory. We picked him up in the car and set him alongside of Ole again. "See here, Ole, I'm tired of this," he said, sprinting up by him again. "The game's waiting. Come on back. You're making a fool of yourself." "Eny teng Aye du Aye ban beeg fule," said Ole gloomily.
Then suddenly realizing its value, she cried, "Why, it must have cost a fortune!" A quick reproach leaped into her face, but he only laughed again. "Wan night I gamble in beeg saloon. Yes, sir! I gamble good dat night, too. For w'ile I play roulette, den I dance, den I play some more, an' by-an'-by I see a new dance gal. She's Franche gal, from Montreal. Dat's de one I tol' you 'bout. Ba Gar!
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