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I settle down in Mexico City. I 'ave baby too, an' good wife, good mother. But I get 'omesick, 'ow you say, for you all, an' so I come down for what you call 'oliday, an' 'ere I am! You 'ave made me very 'appy to-night. I love you all even more seence I see zese cheeldrens. Madre Dio! How fine to 'ave cheeldren!" "Ain't we ever goin' to finish our supper?"

My pappa have to pay fine when hees cheeldren speak ze French. My little seester when she sing ze Marsellaise she must go t'ree days to ze Zherman zhail!" "You mean to prison?" Tom asked. "Just for singing the Marsellaise! Why, the hand-organs play that where I live!" "Ah, yess Americ'! In Alsace, even before ze war you sing ze Marsellaise, t'ree days you go to ze zhail.

They make to get you plenty much bug, those cheeldren. We all make to get you the bug, Meester, thank you." "That's mighty nice of you folks." Then one felt the note in the quiet voice which explained his hold upon people. "Hell, no. We like to do that for you, Meester. Thank you." And closing the door gently after him, he would slink off.

"I vould like to haf roon to tank you, Meester Shelby. I got vife to tank you. I got mooch cheeldren to tank you. I no taalk good. Dat Eengleesh hard, so? Eef I no taalk, I tink. I tink all day: Tank you, Meester Shelby, tank you, Meester Shelby." "You speak English very well," said Shelby, patting him on the shoulder. "But you mustn't say any more about the matter."

The few defects were those of purely oral imitation, the accents, even the slight reiteration of the "s," were Pepita's own: Cheeldren oof the Heavenly King, As ye journey essweetly ssing; Essing your great Redeemer's praise, Glorioos in Hees works and ways. He was astounded.

Then: "Baby better now?" Meester would ask, interestedly. "That beeg doctor, he oil heem an' make heem well all right." After awhile: "I mebbe go now, Meester." "Good-night," said the host, briefly. At the door the Pole would turn, and look back, with the wistfully animal look of the Under Dog. "Those cheeldren, they make to get you the leetle bug. You mebbe like that, Meester, yes?