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Uncle Remus stared at the strange darkey curiously for a moment, and then he seized him by the arm. "Come yer, son, whar dey ain't no folks an' lemme drap some Jawjy 'intment in dem years er yone. You er mighty fur ways fum home, an' you wanter be a lookin' out fer yo'se'f. Fus and fo'mus, you er thumpin' de wrong watermillion. You er w'isslin' up de wrong chube.

"She feelin' mighty po'ly dis evenin'. What might be yo' name?" She was promptly told. "Sis' Jane, hyeah one de good brothahs come to see you to offah his suvices if you need anything." "Thanky, brothah, charity," said the weak voice, "sit yo'se'f down. You set down, Aunt Dicey. Tain't no use a runnin' roun' waitin' on me. I ain't long fu' dis worl' nohow, mistah."

The fiddle's tune changed and the dance quickened. "I naturally thought," resumed I, with a smile meant to refer to the blond dancer, "that the madam must be away somewhere." My hearer grinned. "Oh, that ain't no sign. Boys will be boys. You know that, yo'se'f. An' o' co'se she know it. Oh, yass, she at home." "Well, I reckon I'll stop all night." I began to move on. His eyes followed greedily.

"I been preachin' dat t'ing wrong fu' mo' dan fo'ty yeahs. Dat's whut comes o' not bein' able to read de wo'd fu' yo'se'f."

When they had grasped jaws and lever, and Elder Justice's kind voice murmured, "Mind now, Sammy. Hold firm, son; we air a-gwine to pull 'em back. Brace yo'se'f," the boy's haggard eyes sought his mother's face. "Le' me take it, Aunt Cornely," whispered Huldy, loosing the light-wood from the elder woman's hand and leaving her free.

"Who yo' mean mah master?" he replied in surly tone. "I wish to see Mr. Haredale or Captain Danby." "No sich names hyah!" "Well then, I want Mr. Trenchard." "Who's yo' se'f to see Mas'r Trenchard?" "I am an acquaintance of his." "Well, ah don' know yo' face, so ah guess dey's bof' out fo' you an' so's yo'se'f an' can stay out, fo' shure."

Brer Rabbit know mighty well dat Miss Cow won't give 'im no milk, kaze she done 'fuse 'im mo'n once, en w'en his ole 'oman wuz sick, at dat. But never mind dat. Brer Rabbit sorter dance up long side er de fence, he did, en holler out: "'Howdy, Sis Cow, sez Brer Rabbit, sezee. "'W'y, howdy, Brer Rabbit, sez Miss Cow, sez she. "'How you fine yo'se'f deze days, Sis Cow? sez Brer Rabbit, sezee.

His mule's feet must be working overtime, but he goes backward about as often as he moves forward. That accounts for it. There's lots of dust, but not much motion." Once more, from the midst of the ball-like cloud of dirt came the voice of the colored man: "Now behave yo'se'f, Boomerang. We'm almost dere an' den yo' kin sit down an' rest if yo' laik.

Finally, I des got morchully tiahed o' dat man's ca'in' on, an' I say to him one day, 'Madison, I say, 'I'm tiahed of all dis foo'ishness, an' I'm gwine up Norf whaih I kin live an' be somebody. Ef evah you mek a man out o' yo'se'f, an' want me, de Bible say 'Seek an' you shell receive. Cause even den I was a mighty han' to c'ote de Scripters.

"'Oh, do pray save me, Brer Rabbit! sez Brer Wolf, sezee. 'Do please, Brer Rabbit! de dogs is atter me, en dey 'll t'ar me up. Don't you year um comin'? Oh, do please save me, Brer Rabbit! Hide me some'rs whar de dogs won't git me. "No quicker sed dan done. "'Jump in dat big chist dar, Brer Wolf, sez Brer Rabbit, sezee; 'jump in dar en make yo'se'f at home.