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"W'y, la, man, Brothah Buford was in co't to-day. Whaih is he? Brothah Buford, whaih you?" But no answer came from the surrounding spectators. Brother Buford had faded away. The old lady, however, after due conventions, was permitted to go home.

"I has somp'n' on my min, Brothah Middleton, dat I wants to thrash out to-night in de sollertude of my own chambah," was the solemn reply. "Well, I ain' gwine keep erlong wid you an' pestah you wid my chattah, Brothah Hayward," and at the next corner Isaac Middleton turned off and went his way, with a cheery "so long, may de Lawd set wid you in yo' meddertations."

You see," he went on expansively, settling back in his chair, and swinging his foot with the characteristic swing of the boy of two years before "you see, Clara needed a hat-pin, the kind that would stay in and keep a hat on. None of them do, Clara said. So I made one foh huh, and Clara's brothah saw it and thought it was a good thing. He's a lawyer, you know.

"Well, ez I was a-sayin', Brothah Stone hed been preachin' fur us onct a month at Cane Redge meetin'-house 'bout a year when our youngest wuz borned; an' nothin' would do Mason but he must be called fur the preachah. It's a well-soundin' name, I think myse'f.

"What does he think?" There was urgency in that question. "Who's he?" "Yo' brothah." "Rupert? Why, he's glad to have you here," Val answered. "Does he know 'bout " Val shook his head. "Tell him!" ordered the swamper. "Ah ain't a-goin' to stay undah his ruff lessen he knows. 'Tain't fitten." At this clean-cut statement of the laws of hospitality, Val nodded. "All right. I'll tell him.

Somebody to cook the food, somebody to keep the house, and somebody to mend the clothes. His reverie was broken in upon by Sally Griggs' voice. "Hit do seem lak you mighty deep in t'ought dis evenin', Brothah Hayward. I done spoke to you twicet." "Scuse me, Sistah Griggs, my min' has been mighty deeply 'sorbed in a little mattah o' doctrine. What you say to me?"

Isaac laid a hand upon his shoulder and smiled at him benevolently. "How do, Brothah Hayward," he said, "you been sittin' unner de drippin's of de gospel, too?" "Yes, I has been listenin' to de wo'ds of my fellow-laborah in de vineya'd of de Lawd," replied the preacher with some dignity, for he saw vanishing the vision of his own glory in a revivified sermon on predestination.

De way dem gals shows demse'ves is right down bad to me. Is you goin' to dress lak dem we seen dat night?" Kit hung her head. "I guess I 'll have to." "Well, ef you have to, I 'd ruther see you daid any day. Oh, Kit, my little gal, don't do it, don't do it. Don't you go down lak yo' brothah Joe. Joe 's gone." "Why, ma, you don't understand. Joe 's somebody now.

An admirable wife she would make, indeed. At last supper was over and his chair pushed back from the table. With a long sigh of content, he stretched his long legs, tilted back and said: "Well, you done settled de case ez fur ez I is concerned." "What dat, Brothah Hayward?" she asked. "Well, I do' know's I's quite prepahed to tell you yit." "Hyeah now, don' you remembah ol' Mis' Eve?

"But, look hyeah, Missy, dem Lousiany people, dey bad an' dey hoodoo folks, an' dey Cath'lics " "Eliza!" "'Scuse me, Missy, chile, bless yo' hea't, you know I do' mean no ha'm to you. But somehow I do' feel right in my hea't 'bout Brothah Simon." "Never mind, Eliza, it is only evil that needs to be watched, the good will take care of itself."