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"It was a good thing that little lass came to th' Manor. It's been th' makin' o' her an' th' savin' o' him. Standin' on his feet! An' us all thinkin' he was a poor half-witted lad with not a straight bone in him." She asked a great many questions and her blue eyes were full of deep thinking. "What do they make of it at th' Manor him being so well an' cheerful an' never complainin'?" she inquired.

"Once again I say I'm obliged to ye, Frank," he remarked, with feeling, "for comin' away out here to fetch the medicine. It may be the means of savin' our gal to us, who knows? But I've got faith in your father. If anybody kin fetch our Sue around he will. Good night, lad. Kaiser, mind your manners. This is one of the best friends we've got."

Och! shure I'm only a weather-washed, worn-out old salt, 'ardly worth savin'. Go now, off wi' ye at onest. The water'll be over ye, if ye stand 'eer tin minutes longer." The three youths scrutinised each other's faces, as far as the darkness would allow them. Each tried to read in the countenances of the other two some sign that might determine him.

"Mebbe Cohesion's got hold o' my red cow" said the burly farmer who had spoken before "For she's as ailin' as ever she was, an' if I lose her, I loses a bit o' my livin. An' that's what I sez an' 'olds by, no church-goin' seems to 'elp us in a bit o' trouble, an' it ain't decent or Christian like, so it 'pears, to pray to the Almighty for the savin' of a cow.

"Why that is a great deal of news," said Randy, "how did you remember it all?" "Oh, I've been savin' it up, purpose to tell you when you comed," said Prue. As they drove along the shady road toward home, they passed Jabez Brimblecom who thus accosted Randy: "Wal, wal I'm glad ter see yer home agin, Randy, or must I say Miss Weston, since ye've been to Boston?"

And niver a sound of them reaching the kitchen. Meals from marning till night and me niver seeing them ate. You'd think I'd be contint the wages is so gr'rand, but honest, Susy, I was happier doing gineral housework for brides at twenty per mont' at least I'd a bit of heart put in me, I heard something savin' a voice on the house 'phone sayin',

Blood was running from a deep cut on his cheek. "I save yo' life, Jone," he gasped. "Shut up!" snapped one of the men, and struck him on the mouth. "Here," protested Mills; "go slow, can't you, There's no call to bang him about." They stared at him with astonishment. "Why, man," exclaimed Charley, "didn't we tell you he shot a woman?" "What's that he said about savin' your life?" demanded Dave.

So don't be so infarnal mealy-mouthed, with your mock modesty face, a turnin' up of the whites of your eyes as if you was a chokin', and savin' 'No Bun-kum, Mr. Slick. Cuss that word Bunkum! I am sorry I ever told you that are story, you will be for everlastinly a throwin' up of that are, to me now.

If the doctor knew he'd found out he could stand on his feet he'd likely write and tell Mester Craven. Mester Colin's savin' th' secret to tell himself. He's goin' to practise his Magic on his legs every day till his father comes back an' then he's goin' to march into his room an' show him he's as straight as other lads.

"You bet you it's right for one of us, Miss Martha," she declared. "And you ain't the one, neither. My Lord of Isrul, if I don't feel some better'n I did when I come into this room! Whew! My savin' soul! Zach Bloomer he says to me this mornin'. 'What's the matter, Posy? he says. 'Seems to me you look sort of wilted lately.