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Set out over a hundred years ago, those elms were." "Spray from the breakers flew clear over the top of the bank here," said Zach. "That's some h'ist for spray, hundred and odd feet. I wan't here to see it, myself, but Cap'n Jeth told me." "You were in a more comfortable place, I hope," observed Galusha. "Um we-ell, that's accordin' to what you call comf'table.

Deduct the cuts which went to Zach Traynor, alias Townsend, for playing the part of the magazine editor, and to Cheesy Mike Zaugbaum, that camera wizard of newspaper staff work turned crook's helper Zaugbaum it was who had worked the trick of the photographs and still the major share of the spoils due him ought, first and last, to run into five gratifying figures.

A year passed on, and the little dog was still seen about the village; sometimes merry and frolicking with the children, but more often walking alone in the fields, or watching over little Zach, who was now old enough to play in the front yard; when one day, as it was taking a walk on the shore of the river, it saw a little girl who had paddled out in an old boat, which was fast filling with water.

He spoke English to Captain Smyth, Russian and Polish to Prince Volkonski, with the same volubility as if he had been speaking his native tongue. As a last trial, the baron suddenly accosted him in Walachian, when, 'without hesitation, and without appearing to remark what an out-of-the-way dialect had been taken, away went the polyglot with equal volubility; and Zach adds, that he even knew the Zingller or gipsy language, which had long proved a puzzle to himself.

Baron Zach adds the following extraordinary conclusion: "Galileo pretends to have discovered them on the 7th of January, 1610; so that it is not improbable that Harriot was likewise the first discoverer of these attendants of Jupiter."

Her grandmother did not much mind whether a little dog was at home or not. In the morning, instead of an eager paw scratching at the door, she heard a little girl's happy morning voice, saying, "Let me in, grandmother, please." When she opened it, in bounded Floribel, kissed her grandmother, and caught up little Zach, dancing all about the room, in great delight.

Well, Zach, he cal'lated maybe 'twas money matters, cal'lated maybe she was in debt or somethin'." Mr. Bloomer's discomfiture was so intense as to cause him actually to uncross his legs. "Godfreys, Prim!" he exclaimed. "Give you a shingle and a pocket-handkercher and you'll brag to all hands you've got a full-rigged ship. I never said Martha was in debt.

There he fell; but his death, instead of diminishing the ardor of his men, redoubled it, and they charged with their bayonets upon the column of General Zach. At that moment Kellermann, who had broken through both of the enemy's lines, saw Desaix's division struggling with a compact, immovable mass.

To those copies I added my English letter in which I addressed President Taylor showing to him, that our message is as important for all political as for all ecclesiastical governments and especially for the government of the United States to stop the Papal Imperal Royal or monarchial influence and to restore the true Republican cause, and that therefore he, President Zach.

"Always goes to one of them Speritu'list mediums for sailin' orders." "Now you let me tell it, Zach. Well, then I said I wondered if you wan't a kind of medium, Mr. Bangs. And Zach, he " Galusha interrupted this time. "I a medium!" he gasped. "Well, really, I ah oh, dear! Dear me!" "AIN'T you a kind of medium, Mr. Bangs?" "Certainly not."