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He communicated his sentiments to Harriot on this head with the utmost sincerity, protesting at the same time that he should never enjoy a moment's tranquility till he could call her his own.

No, I have not one real friend in the world except Harriot Freke; yet, you see I am the comic muse, and mean to keep it up keep it up to the last on purpose to provoke those who would give their eyes to be able to pity me; I humbly thank them, no pity for Lady Delacour.

In the moment that I discovered the treachery of one friend, I went and prostrated myself to the artifices of another of another a thousand times more dangerous ten thousand times more beloved! For what was Harriot Freke in comparison with Belinda Portman? Harriot Freke, even whilst she diverted me most, I half despised. But Belinda!

Garrison was omnipresent, now talking with and introducing guests, now soothing some child to sleep, and now, with his wife, looking after the refreshments. There we met Caroline H. Dall, Elizabeth Peabody, Mrs. McCready, the Shakespearian reader, Caroline M. Severance, Dr. Harriot K. Hunt, Charles F. Hovey, Wendell Phillips, Sarah Pugh and others.

He found her at home, and in a careless, but most becoming dishabillee; the other lady was still with her; and told him she had tarried thus long with Miss Harriot, for so she called her, meerly to participate of the pleasure of his good company.

That he went directly to the lodgings of Harriot, I believe my reader will make no doubt; but perhaps her character does not yet enough appear, to give any suspicion of the reception he found there.

I am a changeling, substituted by my mother for the heiress of the Lesley family: it was for my sake she did this naughty deed; yet, since the truth has been known, it seems to me as if I had been the only sufferer by it; remembering no time when I was not Harriot Lesley, it seems as if the change had taken from me my birthright.

But when Miss Portman came to the words, "Do not forget to tell Lady D , that I have a charming anecdote for her about another friend of hers, who lately went over to the enemy," her ladyship exclaimed with great vehemence, "Friend! Harriot Freke! Yes, like all other friends Harriot Freke! What was she compared to? 'Tis too much for me too much!" and she put her hand to her head.

French Clay's affair with Lady Harriot had been much talked of in the fashionable world; from a love of scandal or a love of justice, from zeal in the cause of morality or from natural curiosity, her trial had been a matter of general interest to the ladies, young and old. In consequence Mr. Alfred Percy's speech was prodigiously read, and, from various motives, highly applauded.

Later the two were sent to college, and in all cost Washington "near five thousand dollars." An even greater trouble was their sister Harriot, whose care was assumed in 1785, and who was a member of Washington's household, with only a slight interruption, till her marriage in 1796.