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Thence was had the view of a wide, open valley extending toward the southeast to the Bay of Chaleurs and bounded on the northeast and southwest by highlands. The former were pointed out by the guide as the Chic Choc Mountains, in the district of Gaspe; the latter, it appeared beyond question, extended to the Bay of Chaleurs, and strike it below the Matapediac.

If a prisoner went to this 'gentleman, he did not ask after his illness, but after his nationality, and for the reason of his remand imprisonment. It would be wasted, for in any case you will be hanged." Besides Klofac, the following four National Socialist deputies were also imprisoned: Choc, Burival, Vojna and Netolicky.

He'd called it 'Choc, because the puppy loved chocolates so well as Joey himself, and the dog had grown to be his dearest treasure. Well, Teddy gave over his games now and stood up and showed a great deal of annoyance. His bead-black eyes flashed and his jaw stood out, as it always did when he was vexed. "Too bad!" he said, "and if I knew who the man was, I'd have him up for libel I reckon.

"Brown studies aren't permitted in ballrooms, Mr Sinclair!" she rallied him in her gentlest voice and Lance was forgotten. "Come and tie an extra big choc. on to my fishing-rod." Roy disapproved of the chocolate figure, as derogatory to masculine dignity. Six brief-skirted, briefer-bodiced girls stood on chairs, each dangling a chocolate cream from a fishing-rod of bamboo and coloured ribbon.

'Yes, answered Milly. 'I suppose he's coming up to-night? 'I asked him to. 'There'll be a frantic row one day. I'm sure there will, Milly said meditatively, after a pause. 'Oh! there's bound to be! Ethel assented, and she added: 'Mother does trust us. Have a choc? Milly said yes, and Ethel drew a box of bonbons from her pocket.

"Charming, charming," said his wife. "It's real sporting," said his daughter, laughing up at Anna-Felicitas, again with comprehension, with, almost, a wink. "You must let me come and help. I'd look nice in that costume, wouldn't I mother." "There is also frothed choc " "I suppose, now, Mr. Twist he must be completely sympathy " interrupted Mr.

Marshal Saint-Cyr, whose reputation for tactical skill was second to none in the wars of the French Republic and Empire, thus speaks of the matter in his comments on the battle of Novi, apropos to the break of the French division Watrin, which was in two brigade lines: "La premiere, attaquee avec vigueur par le general Lusignan appuye par Laudon, ne soutint qu'un moment le choc, et se rabattit sur la seconde; elle esperait se reformer en arriere de celle-ci, en faisant ce qu'on appelle une passage de ligne; mais il fut demontre une fois de plus, que cette manoeuvre, qui fait un assez bel effet a la parade, ne peut reussir a la guerre lorsqu'on est suivi par un ennemi actif.

Little Joey would often take 'Choc' to see his mother on her chain at Teddy's house while the man was put away. And he'd carry the poor creature a tidy bone also when he could get one. And how long that two months was to the lurcher, who shall say?

She seemed to float sinuously and voluptuously immersed in it, as in tepid water lit with sunshine. "Do have a choc.," she invited eagerly. George took a chocolate. She took one. They all took one. They all had the unconscious pride of youth that does not know itself young. Each was different from the others.

The testimony of a leading French press organ is worth reproducing here: "La situation du Président Wilson dans nos démocraties est magnifique, souveraine et extrêmement périlleuse. On ne connaît pas d'hommes, dans les temps contemporains, ayant eu plus d'autorité et de puissance; la popularité lui a donné ce que le droit divin ne conférait pas toujours aux monarques héréditaires. En revanche et par le fait du choc en retour, sa responsabilité est supérieure