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"You can go now, thank you," said Duke, his voice trembling in spite of himself. "Us don't mind about the bowl it's too far to go. Us will tell Grandmamma all about it Oh how I do wish us had told her at first," he broke off suddenly. "Please go," he went on again to the pedlar; "sister's frightened. I'll stay here with her till her foot's better, and then us'll go home."

Better set still, boys, till we get out uh sight; one of us'll keep an eye peeled for yuh. So long, and much obliged." They turned and rode warily down the slope. "Now, wouldn't that jar yuh?" asked Bob in deep disgust His hands dropped to his sides; in another second he was up and shooting savagely. "Get behind the rock, Bud," he commanded.

I be gwaine to give myself up then us'll see who's the fule!" Phoebe was out of bed with her arms round her husband in a moment. "No, no never. You couldn't, Will; you daren't 'tis against nature. You ban't free to do no such wild thing. You forget me, an' the li'l maid, an' t' other comin'!" "Doan't 'e choke me," he said; "an' doan't 'e look so terrified.

"Us'll take un with us when we're finished here. I reckon yeou'm busy. We'll bide here an' 'tis washin' day with yeou, simly," said Stalky. "We'm no company to make all vitty for. Never yeou mind us. Yiss. There's plenty cream." The woman withdrew, wiping her pink hands on her apron, and left them in the parlor.

But there!" she added starting up, "us'll make sure to wance and knaw whether 'tis lies or truth we'm tellin'. Here, Sammy, off ever so quick as legs can carry 'ee, and climber up and fetch Adam back with 'ee." Sammy started off, and Joan proceeded to communicate the cause of her uneasiness. "Awh, my dear, is that all?" exclaimed Mrs.

"I see 'im smile, that's why," ses Peter Russet. "You're a liar," ses Sam. "We'll stick together," ses Ginger. "Leastways, one of us'll keep with you, Sam." They settled it that way at last, and while Ginger went for a walk down round about where they 'ad found the dog, Sam Small and Peter waited for him in a little public-'ouse down Limehouse way.

"Mind you," said Joe, "till you've arsked them questions and been answered satisfactorily none of us'll 'ave anything to do with you, besides which I'll give you such a licking as you've never 'ad before." He strolled off with Ben and the cook, as the skipper came towards them again, and sat down in the bows. Tim, sore afraid of his shipmates' con. tempt, tried again.

Divine, shin up them cliffs back o' the cove an' search fer water an' a site fer camp the rest o' us'll have our hands full with the salvage." "Good," agreed Theriere. "Miller, you and Swenson will accompany Mr. Divine."

"Lew, 'cordin' to the way settlers are comin', in a few more years there won't be any need for a borderman. When the Injuns are all gone where'll be our work?" "'Tain't likely either of us'll ever see them times," said Wetzel, "an' I don't want to. Wal, Jack, I'm off now, an' I'll meet you here every other day."

"I most feared you'd have blazed out and faced the wretch," said Jenny to please the little man. "I managed to hold in. I drew out my knife however; but I put it back again. I hadn't got the heart to spoil the night of my home-coming. His turn ain't far off. His thread's spun. Nothing short of his death be any good to me not now." "Us'll forget the scoundrel till to-morrow, then," said Mrs. White.