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Un jour ils me menèrent avec eux aux étuves et aux bains de la ville; et comme je refusai de me baigner, parce qu'il eût fallu me déshabiller et que je craignois de montrer mon argent, ils me donnèrent leurs robes

Huic ergo parce, Deus! Pie Jesu Domine! Dona eis requiem. "Amen!" exclaimed the abbot. And bowing his head to the ground, he earnestly repeated "Pie Jesu Domine! Dona eis requiem." Then he looked up, and resolved to ask for a confessor, and unburthen his soul without delay.

He had not thought of the chant for years, nor had there been anything apparently to recall it now; but all that day it possessed him, and at intervals he caught himself involuntarily singing it aloud: "Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, parce nobis Domine, Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mimdi, exaudi nos Domine, Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis."

The good man turned round and almost fell off the steps with the nervous shock of beholding me so near him: he descended with precipitation, and shook me so warmly and tightly by the hand, that he brought tears into my eyes, as well as his own. "Gently, my good friend," said I "parce precor, or you will force me to say, 'ibimus una ambo, flentes valido connexi foedere."

An expression of fussiness came into his sleepy face. He spoke at once to the landlady, a tall, thick-set woman of forty with very dark hair and a slight moustache, and explained that he required the whole room for himself, and that the door was to be shut and no one else was to be admitted, "parce que nous avons a parler. Oui, fai beaucoup a vous dire, chere amie.

Haden dit que je n'ai point de maladie, mais que je suis incapable de supporter tout travail excessif. Il va falloir regler tout cela." "J'ai du renoncer a mon travail pendant deux jours parce que j'ai besoin de repos, et il me semble plus sage de le prendre a temps que de me rendre malade. Lorsque je suis malade je ne puis pas me reposer, tandis que maintenant, je suis simplement fatigue.

Another hour went by, two more canticles had just been sung, and the stations of Toury and Les Aubrais had been left behind, when, at Beaugency, they at last ceased their chat, on hearing Sister Hyacinthe clap her hands and intonate in her fresh, sonorous voice: "Parce, Domine, parce populo tuo."

'Madame, pourquoi aimez-vous la salade? Naturally she had not the slightest idea what he meant, and he rejoined triumphantly, 'Parce qu'elle est Madame votre mere. What annoys me beyond measure," continued the Emperor, "is that he goes on telling the anecdote, saying, 'The Emperor told it to me." The Emperor laughed heartily, and I did, too.

«Les montagnes qui sont dans ce cas seront proportionnellement plus abaissées que les autres; parce que leurs talus se confondant ainsi et devenant par l

"C'est tout bien pour vous, parce que vous etes toujours ici; mais moi, je suis chez moi, et si elles sortez quand je ne suis pas ici, je serais mad!" "J'expect qu'elles sorteraient quand nous sommes tous loin. C'est toujours le fashion!" sighed Chrissie, acutely conscious that her French was superior to that of her friend, but politely ignoring the fact. "Moi aussi," assented Kitty.