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J'en ai parle aujourd'hui avec Macmillan dont une amie ete comme toi pendant longtemps et qui eprouve maintenant une amelioration graduelle, mais tres sensible. Tache surtout de ne pas trop t'attrister, parce qu'il parait que le chagrin a une tendance a augmenter la surdite.

He was in the Tuileries when the mob sacked and burned the palace; saw the femmes de la halle sitting on the brocade and satin sofas, saying, "C'est nous les princesses maintenant"; saw the entrance of the troops from Versailles, and the quantity of innocent people shot who were merely standing looking on at the barricades, having never had a gun in their hands.

Zealously did he fasten on the worms, slap them with his hand, and spit upon them, and then fling the line into the water himself, gracefully bending forwards the whole of his body. Maria Dmitrievna had already that day spoken about him to Fedor Ivanovich, using the following phrase of Institute-French: "Il n'y a plus maintenant de ces gens comme ça autre fois."

At the end of his stay, when he was taking leave of her, she said: "Et maintenant, Monsieur, vous allez creer," meaning, as he understood her, that he had been looking long enough at the work of others and should now do something of his own. This sank into him and pained him.

Glozel had said to her neighbours afterwards that the funeral cost over seventy-five dollars and had set up a stone to her memory on which was carved, "Chez nous autrefois, et chez Dieu maintenant" which was to say, "Our home once, and God's Home now." That done, with a sorrow which still had the peace of finality in his mind, he had turned his face to the West.

Finalement il attrape une grenouille, l'apporte cet individu et dit: Maintenant, si vous etes pret, mettez-la tout contra Daniel, avec leurs pattes de devant sur la meme ligne, et je donnerai le signal; puis il ajoute: Un, deux, trois, sautez!

"Thank God," she said, "I can hear you talk like that at last." He escorted her down the stone stairs and through the lobby to her car, and they were objects of many admiring eyes. When they reached it she said, with a humorous curl of the lip, "Veux-tu m'epouser maintenant?" "Wait, only wait," said he. "These are only fireworks. Very soon we'll get to the real thing."

The master threw his arms up and down in distraction, then suddenly faced his visitor, "Sir, it was my blame! I spoke the word without adequate distinction! Sidonie maintenant now!" But a voice in the audience interrupted with "Assoiez-vous la, Chat-oué! Seet down yondeh!"

She turned upon him a face distorted with grief. "Parbleu, chérie, qu'y-a-t'il a maintenant?" he demanded, with an odd mingling of irritation and concern. "Cholera at Dera Ishmael Eldred's gone down this morning. . . ." Then tears overwhelmed her, and he turned sharply away. "Oh go, . . . go, and have your breakfast, Michel; and let me be. I want nothing, nothing, but to be left alone."

I do not know whether this gentleman intended his anecdote to be taken cum grano salis, but I certainly understood him to say that he had deplored to the minister the want of vigour and the absence of success accompanying the operations of the Italian allies of Prussia, when His Excellency replied: 'C'est bien vrai. Ils nous ont tromps; mais que voulez-vous y faire maintenant?

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