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Ces tristesses sont dues a la pensee que je fais si peu, et que, avec plus de forces je ferais tant et si bien! Avec la force je serais sur maintenant de reussir pleinement. Je tiens la reputation par un petit bout, mais je la tiens, et elle augmentera. Tout me prouve que notre avenir serait assure si j'avais autant de force que de volonte." "Dimanche.

J'ai bien besoin maintenant d'un peu de bruit pour augmenter ma reputation, car ces articles anonymes ne l'aident point. "Dans ta tristesse, ma cherie, il faut toujours avoir la plus grande confiance en la duree de mon amour pour toi. Je crois que mon amour et ma loyaute sont au moins aussi forts que le sentiment de l'heroisme militaire.

Messieurs, ce jour pour ma Muse est bien doux; Mais maintenant, d'etre quitte j'ai perdu l'esperance: Car je viens, plus fier que jamais, Vous payer ma reconnaissance, Et je m'endette que plus!"

Sometimes his music so moved the old Frenchman that the tears would gather in his faded blue eyes and steal down his powdered cheeks; and then, like as not, he was apt to break off suddenly, drop violin and bow upon his knees, and exclaim, "Ah! la musique! mon Dieu, mon Dieu! elle me rappelle ma jeunesse. Et maintenant et maintenant!"

"Somehow I knew you would knew I could count on you. You will go on standing by?" He executed a deep bow, his hand upon his heart. "Maintenant et toujours, ma Juliette!" he assured her gallantly. "But don't forget the moral of my parable! When you jump jump high!" She nodded thoughtfully. "No, I shan't forget. You're a good friend, Charles Rex." "I may be," said Saltash enigmatically.

"Tout de meme, Monsieur, je vais vous scalper maintenant." In fact he had taken off a part of Maisonville's scalp, when a party of soldiers, among whom was Maisonville's brother, a brave fellow and loyal to the American cause, were attracted by his cries and came to his rescue.

I've had to tell you all this in English, as there were words like 'forcible feeding' that I didn't know the French for; of course I could have invented them, but if I had said nourriture obligatoire you wouldn't have had the least idea what I was talking about. Mais maintenant, nous parlons francais." "Oh, very well, tres bien," said Mrs.

When she had given herself a touch at the glass she turned round, with a rapid "Ecoutez maintenant!" and stood leaning a moment slightly lowered and inclined backward, her hands behind her and supporting her on the console before the mirror.

And he added, more pleased with himself than anyone had ever seen him: "Maintenant, vous pouvez tous montez a la chambre." We mounted, happy to get back to bed; but none so happy as Jean le Negre. It was not that the cabinot threat had failed to materialize at any minute a planton might call Jean to his punishment: indeed this was what everyone expected.

«Si maintenant on considère la chaîne des Alpes, on verra qu'elle répond fort bien